
Mobile messaging apps use: review - terms of reference

Terms of reference for the externally-led review.

Review lead: Emma Martins


The review will consider and make recommendations on: 

  • the appropriate use of mobile messaging apps within Scottish Government and the arrangements for the retention of information within those apps within the current records management system
  • the current definition of corporate value and how this may require to change in light of the requirements of the UK COVID-19 Inquiry
  • the clarity of guidance for ministers and civil servants in relation to the use of mobile messaging apps, and whether changes are required to the relevant Codes
  • the appropriate use of non-corporate technology within Scottish Government
  • the processes for changing non-corporate technology and any considerations that arise from that process
  • the clarity of guidance for ministers and civil servants in relation to the use of non-corporate technology, and whether changes are required to the relevant Codes
  • the interaction with the Principles of Public Life in relation to modern communication needs

In so doing, the review will consider best practice from other governments and administrations within the UK and beyond as well as considering the closing statements of module 2A of the UK COVID-19 Inquiry.

Review outcomes 

The review will produce its report by July 2024. The reviewer will decide on recommendations to transparency and openness in Scottish Government. The reviewer will make recommendations about all the areas of activity above. The reviewer will also make recommendations on anything else they think is important. 

The reviewer has overall responsibility for the report but will make sure that the review is practical and provides clarity. Appropriate stakeholders will be involved in proposing recommendations for the final report.

The reviewer will be supported by a secretariat team from Scottish Government. 

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