
Mobile phones: guidance for Scotland's schools

This guidance provides schools and local authorities with advice on the development and updating of local policies relating to the use of mobile phones in schools.


7. This non-statutory guidance aims to provide public schools and education authorities with information on developing and updating local policies that encourage the respectful and responsible use of mobile phones in school. The guidance may also be of interest to independent and grant-aided schools. Policies should reflect the need to support pupils’ learning, whilst protecting staff and pupils from bullying, harassment and abuse. It is therefore necessary to recognise that in considering respectful and responsible use, mobile phones can both enhance and detract from learning, depending on their use.

8. As noted in paragraph 3 above, there are some benefits to pupils taking their mobile phones to school. Another example of a potential benefit is that personal mobile phones can be used to access some school-based services, such as ordering school meals. This guidance therefore takes into account the potential benefits of personal mobile phones, whilst also considering the risks set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 above. In light of these factors, it is not considered to be appropriate or feasible to introduce a ban nationally on mobile phones in schools.

9. An approach is required that promotes the respectful and responsible use of mobile phones in schools, including to support learning whilst encouraging schools to adopt a robust but measured response to their inappropriate use. Schools and education authorities may introduce restrictions and limitations on the use of mobile phones in schools, through a policy approach. The purpose of this guidance is to assist schools and education authorities in introducing or updating any such measures relating to mobile phones in ways that work best for them, in light of their local context.

10. This guidance has been refreshed, based on guidance originally developed in 2013 by a working group established by the Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools. It has been informed by relevant research and existing policies and it aims:

  • to provide a set of guiding principles for schools and education authorities to consider when developing and updating their own policies on respectful and responsible use of mobile phones, rooted in the principles of ‘citizenship’ as part of Curriculum for Excellence, anti-bullying policies and approaches to promoting positive relationships and behaviour outlined in the national policy guidance Included, Engaged and Involved Part 1 and Included, Engaged and Involved Part 2.
  • to emphasise that these principles are aligned with the UNCRC, and to existing health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes, particularly those referring to social, emotional and mental wellbeing and relationships.
  • to emphasise the school’s and education authority’s responsibility for the health, wellbeing and safety of their staff and pupils.
  • to provide guidance on how to develop local policies in partnership with the whole school community, engendering a sense of engagement, ownership and commitment.
  • to provide information on relevant legal aspects. Schools and education authorities may wish to seek their own legal advice where appropriate.



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