
Mobilising private investment in natural capital: report

This report looks at how to encourage responsible private investment into peatland restoration, including how to overcome barriers to scaling voluntary carbon markets to restore peatland in Scotland.


The authors would like to thank the Mobilising Private Investment in Natural Capital Steering Group for their input and guidance throughout the project and in the preparation of this report.

The learnings and recommendations outlined in this report are the result of consultations with a wide range of stakeholders engaged in peatland restoration activities across Scotland.

In addition to those who kindly participated in the stakeholder engagement process (detailed in Annex A), the authors would like to thank project partners and advisors Forest Carbon, RSPB Scotland, Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) and NatureScot.

Finally, we would like to thank the Scottish Government for their interest and financial support for this work.

This report was prepared by Gail Hurley (Director of Advisory), Yann Grandemange (Senior Associate), Alex Hume (Senior Associate) and Fraser O'Halloran (Senior Analyst) of Finance Earth.



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