
Planning children's services: a model of engagement

This document provides a model of engagement for developing children's services plans.

Views of Children and Young People on the Pilot Process

At Event 3 children and young people worked together to respond to two questions: What has worked well about this consultation project? Can you think of other ways children and young people should be able to have their say about what happens in our city?

Responses to both questions are to be used to support Edinburgh Children's Partnership to consider the appropriateness of the methods used in this approach and the impact that this and other work might have to support continued meaningful engagement. It will also support shared learning for other Community Planning Partnerships across Scotland, the key purpose of this pilot. A full recording of responses is in appendices 7 and 8. In summary:

What has worked well about this consultation project? Children and young people liked:

  • Meeting other children and young people and working together.
  • Meeting the adults and working in groups that had a mix of all ages.
  • Sharing their ideas and opinions with others.
  • Getting to talk about a lot of different topics.
  • Feeling that other people - children, young people and adults - were interested in what they had to say.
  • Sharing ideas and learning about how to improve the lives of people in Edinburgh.
  • The fun and creative activities used to generate and support the conversations.
  • That everyone felt included and involved in the events - every opinion was heard no matter what age the person is.
  • Meeting adults they felt were genuinely interested in hearing the perspective of children and young people - with the hope that adults would learn from children and young people.
  • Hearing the views of different generations and finding out what people agree on what is different.
  • Meeting adults who make decisions that impact on children and young people's lives at home, at school and in the community.
  • The venues and the food.

Can you think of other ways children and young people should be able to have their say about what happens in our city? Children and young people suggested:

  • More opportunities for more children to have their say just like these events.
  • Opportunities for all children and young people to have a trusted adult they can speak to and have their say.
  • Decision-makers should visit schools more often and spend time with children and young people.
  • Teachers should be good at listening to what children have to say. Then there should be links between what happens in schools and adults who make decisions.
  • Assemblies and Pupil Councils at school.
  • Gatherings in local community centre or libraries.
  • Bringing children, young people and adults together locally.
  • Every school should be part of Children's Parliament. Children's Parliament could go into schools and gather ideas for events.
  • Young Edinburgh Action and Children's Parliament meeting more often.
  • Voting in Scottish Youth Parliament elections.
  • Children and young people emailing and writing to decision-makers.
  • An app where you can have your say about the city.
  • Online suggestion box.
  • Projects like this that include children, young people and adults.
  • Protests and campaigns.
  • Children and young people going to public meetings.
  • Easier ways to meet and chat to your MSP. Children and young people should act as advisors to the Scottish Parliament.


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