
Planning children's services: a model of engagement

This document provides a model of engagement for developing children's services plans.


  • The children and young people who took part in this process should be offered the opportunity to continue the discussions and help take forward the actions identified.
  • All adults should be followed up to check how they have taken forward the commitments they made to children and young people at the final event, reporting back to the children and young people after six months.
  • Conversations with children and young people need to be built in to all planning processes. Training on children's rights and participation should be offered to staff to assist them to do this in a meaningful way, starting with staff in schools and community settings who have the initial contact with children and young people and moving on to all staff that work with children or have a responsibility for children's services planning.
  • An annual event with adults, children and young people should be built in to the Edinburgh Children's Partnership planning processes.
  • Liaise with the Scottish Government to share the findings of the pilot with other community planning partnerships.


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