
Scottish secure tenancy model agreement - revised 2002

Updated version of 2001 model Scottish secure tenancy agreement, applicable for tenancies created before 1 May 2019.

Model Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement


The Scottish Executive would like to express its thanks to all those who have contributed towards the production of this document for their helpful suggestions and comments. In particular we would like to express our appreciation to Derek O'Carroll, Advocate, who drafted the Model Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement, the summary and legal commentary and the introduction. The Scottish Executive would also like to thank members of the advisory group, who read and commented on earlier versions of the text. The participation of these members does not imply that either they or their organisations necessarily agree with all aspects of the content of this document.

The members of the advisory group are:

Beverley Francis, Scottish Executive (Chair)
Pat Tracey, Scottish Executive
Roddy Maclean, Scottish Executive

Lesley Baird, Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS)
Marion Brown, TIGHRA
Ann Cunningham, Scottish Homes
Geralyn Lewis, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA)
Linda Spence, Scottish Tenants Organisation (STO)
Adrian Stalker, Shelter, Scotland
Michael Thain, Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH)
Deirdre Watt, Tenant Information Service (TIS)

In addition, the Scottish Executive would like to thank all those who responded during the consultation exercise.


This document consists of four parts. Section One is an explanation of how to use the Model. Section Two contains the Model Agreement itself and Section Three is the summary, which would be given also to the tenant as part of the signing up process. The final part, Section Four is a detailed legal commentary to the Model, which explains the reason for each paragraph. It is not intended to be a comprehensive and authoritative interpretation of the law but it may be used as a reference tool so as to understand the reason for the inclusion of each paragraph.



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