Modern methods of construction: guidance for building standards verification

Provides guidance to Local Authority verifiers and Certifiers as defined under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 when assessing building warrant applications and certifying works which use Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).

8. Future Compliance Plan Approach

8.1. A strengthened approach to compliance

The Compliance and Enforcement Expert Review Panel was set up to support the Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety following the fire at Grenfell Tower and failings in the construction of Edinburgh School Buildings. The Panel's report

highlighted a need to strengthen the Scottish Building Standards system and the Building Standards Futures Board was established in 2019 to oversee this work. The Compliance Plan (CP) is one of the seven work streams being taken forward by the Futures Board.

The CP work stream aims to provide greater assurance that the risk of non-compliance with the building regulations has been minimised. This will be achieved by considering compliance from the inception of a project through to its completion by requiring better evidence and documentation to be provided by the Relevant Person and the people they appoint to undertake the work.

Following support for the proposal during the public consultation which ran from November 2021 to February 2022, the proposals include the creation of a CP for all High Risk Building (HRB) projects by the Relevant Person and their appointed 'Compliance Plan Manager' (a new oversight role acting on behalf of the Relevant Person).

The CP will identify the risks on a project and set out the evidence needed, inspections to be undertaken and the CP Manager will oversee the CP to ensure it is fully discharged. It is expected that the CP Manager on HRB projects will be a suitably qualified and experienced construction professional.

A Compliance Plan Handbook (CPH) will also be developed providing guidance on this new strengthened approach to delivering building regulation compliant buildings in accordance with the approved building warrant plans and details. It is intended this MMC guidance document will be referenced within the CPH to inform and support the verification of buildings using MMC.



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