Modern methods of construction: guidance for building standards verification

Provides guidance to Local Authority verifiers and Certifiers as defined under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 when assessing building warrant applications and certifying works which use Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).

9. Glossary of terms

BBA - British Board of Agrément

BOPAS - Build Offsite Property Assurance Scheme

CE Mark - Conformité Européenne (European Conformity)

DfMA - Design for Manufacture and Assembly

ISO - International Organization for Standardisation

NHBC - National House Building Council

PMV - Pre-Manufactured Value

SIPS - Structural Insulated Panels

STAS - Scottish Type Approval Scheme

UKCA - UK Conformity Assessment

BRE - Building Research Establishment

BSRIA - Building Services Research and Information Association

CCNP - Construction Compliance and Notification Plan

CLT - Cross-Laminated Timber

MMC - Modern Methods of Construction

OSM - Offsite Manufacture

RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects

STA - Structural Timber Association

UKAS - United Kingdom Accreditation Service



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