
The Modern Outpatient: A Collaborative Approach 2017-2020

Transforming the patient experience by optimising the roles of all clinicians, utilising new technologies and putting the patient at the centre of care.

11. Governance

11.1 'The Modern Outpatient Programme' will require buy-in from a wide range of professional and patient groups across NHSScotland, hence the wide-ranging engagement strategy outlined above. Critically, it will need to be driven by clinical leaders working with others and Chief Executives will need to ensure the appropriate authorising environment is in place to drive success. Monitoring of delivery will be crucial in order to ensure the Programme's ambitions are achieved.

11.2 'The Modern Outpatient Programme' will report into the National Clinical Strategy Implementation Board but will also have a reporting function into the Sustainability & Value Programme Board. However, local ownership of the Programme's outcomes will be critical therefore this should be with the Board medical directors who can answer to both their NHS Boards and IJBs to ensure local accountability alongside coherence and consistency with national aims and outcomes.

11.3 National programmes and some activity in national support organisations that have a direct role in the delivery of the aims of the Programme may need to be realigned to support this coherent approach.


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