
The Modern Outpatient: A Collaborative Approach 2017-2020

Transforming the patient experience by optimising the roles of all clinicians, utilising new technologies and putting the patient at the centre of care.

Annex 2: Demand Growth

Specialty New Outpatient
Attendances 14/15
New Outpatient
Attendances 15/16
% Increase/Decrease
Respiratory Medicine 40,007 42,253 6%
Gastroenterology 74,339 77,131 4%
Dermatology 122,252 126,060 3%
Gynaecology 101,689 98,220 -3%
ENT 110,793 116,060 5%
General Surgery 190,325 185,885 -2%
T&O* 174,195 173,099 -0.6%
Ophthalmology 132,168 129,986 -1.7%
Specialty Total Attendances 14/15 Total Attendances 15/16 % Increase/Decrease
Respiratory Medicine 122,785 125,937 2.6%
Gastroenterology 170,868 174,450 2.1%
Dermatology 291,985 294,090 0.7%
Gynaecology 191,699 190,196 -0.8%
ENT 230,226 227,647 -1%
General Surgery 425,598 411,688 -3%
T&O* 459,337 450,263 -2%
Ophthalmology 438,358 437,952 0.9%
  New Outpatient
Attendances 07/08
New Outpatients Attendances 14/15 % Increase/Decrease
Respiratory Medicine 22,493 40,007 78%
Gastroenterology 36,410 74,339 104%
Dermatology 100,427 122,252 22%
Gynaecology 93,744 101,689 9%
ENT 99,273 110,793 12%
General Surgery 151,465 190,325 26%
T&O* 183,491 174,195 -5%*
Ophthalmology 121,541 132,168 8.8%

* Trauma and Orthopaedic new patients and total attendances declined from 2010/11 onwards
Source: ISD(S)1, SMR00 (DNA)

Specialty Total attendances 07/08 Total attendances 14/15 % increase/decrease
Respiratory Medicine 85,345 122,785 44%
Gastroenterology 105,147 170,868 63%
Dermatology 254,490 291,985 15%
Gynaecology 187,006 191,699 3%
ENT 207,456 230,226 11%
General Surgery 375,647 425,598 13%
T&O* 527,589 459,337 -13%
Ophthalmology 406,019 438,358 8%

* Trauma and Orthopaedic new patients and total attendances declined from 2010/11 onwards
Source: ISD(S)1, SMR00 (DNA)


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