
Cancer strategy 2023-2033 and cancer action plan 2023-2026: monitoring and evaluation framework - August 2023

This outlines our intent to monitor and evaluate the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033 and Cancer Action Plan 2023-2026. It sets out a strategic, evidence-based and outcomes-focused approach to assess progress towards the vision of improved survival and excellent, equitably accessible care.

1. Introduction and Context

1.1 Cancer Strategy for Scotland and Cancer Action Plan

This Framework outlines our intent to monitor and evaluate the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033 and the Cancer Action Plan 2023-2026 published in June 2023.

The Cancer Strategy's appendix covering Monitoring and Evaluation sets out a strategic, evidence-based and outcomes-focused approach to monitor and evaluate progress towards the vision of improved survival and excellent, equitably accessible care. Key evaluation principles set out in the Cancer Strategy include proportionality, a focus on high priority data and addressing evidence gaps that can demonstrate the measurable contribution of the strategy to improving services, care and outcomes for people affected by cancer.

The Cancer Action Plan supports the Cancer Strategy by outlining the realistic and achievable actions that the Scottish Government (SG) will deliver in the first three years. Maintaining cancer as a priority, while recovery takes place in healthcare systems and the wider economy, is a necessary focus of these actions. As shown in the Action Plan's Monitoring and Evaluation chapter, national priorities for early monitoring and evaluation will therefore include attention to the outputs and outcomes that we can expect to be delivered within three years as systems and services are stabilised.

1.2 Strategic priorities to improve health and reduce inequalities

The Care and Wellbeing Portfolio is the overall strategic reform vehicle for health and social care in Scotland. Monitoring and evaluation priorities will align with the Portfolio's aim to improve population health, reduce inequalities and improve health and care system sustainability. This aim aligns with the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care's commitment in the First Minister's Policy Prospectus published in April 2023 to prevent ill health and reduce inequalities.

The Cancer Strategy's chapter on Cancer in Scotland summarises data published by Public Health Scotland on cancer incidence, survival and mortality. The data show higher cancer risks for those living in the most deprived areas. We will monitor and evaluate the impact of policy actions on health inequalities, including for people living in socioeconomic deprivation. As part of its cross-cutting ambition to tackle health inequalities, the Cancer Strategy commits to an early focus on improving outcomes for minority ethnic groups and women. Consequently, we will analyse disaggregated and intersectional equality data whenever this is feasible.

The Framework will align with the monitoring of related Scottish Government health strategies and plans to improve population health that connect to specific actions in the Cancer Action Plan. Related strategies include the Digital Health and Care Strategy, Health and Social Care: Data Strategy, Health and Social Care: National Workforce Strategy and Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. We will align monitoring activities with these published strategies and the forthcoming strategy for palliative and end of life care, and the forthcoming action plan for tobacco. Monitoring and evaluation for these related policies will be carried out separately, with data relevant to cancer, including data connected with actions relating to the prevention of more cancers, incorporated into evidence collated to report progress.

1.3 Development of the monitoring and evaluation framework

Analysts in the Health and Social Care Analysis Division have led the development of the monitoring and evaluation framework alongside policy officers in the Healthcare Quality and Improvement Division. An advisory group of experts provided guidance and advice to ensure a robust and proportionate approach. This group comprised experts from academia, public health, the health service, third sector, and officials from the Scottish Government. Appendix 1 provides further details of the group membership.



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