Cancer strategy 2023-2033 and cancer action plan 2023-2026: monitoring and evaluation framework - August 2023

This outlines our intent to monitor and evaluate the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033 and Cancer Action Plan 2023-2026. It sets out a strategic, evidence-based and outcomes-focused approach to assess progress towards the vision of improved survival and excellent, equitably accessible care.

Appendix 1: Advisory group members

The following table lists the advisory group members who contributed their expertise to guide our approach to monitoring and evaluating the Cancer Strategy.

Advisory group members who provided expertise and guidance
Name Role Organisation
Gregor Mcnie Unit Head, Cancer and Rehabilitation Unit (Chair) SG Healthcare Planning & Quality
Rachel Anderson Principal Research Officer, Population Health SG Health & Social Care Analysis
Gregor Boyd Unit Head, Healthcare and Workforce SG Health & Social Care Analysis
Emma Dunlop Research Associate, Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences University of Strathclyde
Samantha Harrison Head of Strategic Evidence & International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership Research Lead Cancer Research UK
Aisha Macgregor Senior Social Researcher, Whole Systems Intelligence SG Whole Systems Intelligence Analysis
Nicola McCloskey-Sellar Regional Manager, South East Scotland Cancer Network South East Scotland Cancer Network
David Morrison Director of Scottish Cancer Registry Public Health Scotland
Paul Nairn Regional Planning Manager NHS Highland
Sasia Pryor Cancer Service Manager & Chair of Cancer Managers Forum NHS Grampian



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