Monthly economic brief: June 2020

Provides a summary of latest key economic statistics, forecasts and analysis on the Scottish economy.


1. Sources in this section include: Scottish Government, Office for National Statistics, Eurotstat, US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

2. Source: HMRC.

3. ONS Business Impacts of COVID-19 Survey (4 – 17 May).

4. IHS Markit, RBS Purchasing Managers Index, April.

5. HMRC Overseas Trade Statistics

6. Source: Scottish Government

7. Office for National Statistics

8. These estimates are from the Labour Force Survey, but due to the relatively small samples sizes and subsequent sampling variability, the figures should be used with caution and are designated Official statistics. National Statistics of employment by age band across regions can be obtained from the Annual Population Survey.

9. Source: IHS Markit Jobs Report for Scotland.

10. The " bubble" technically wasn't a recession, but did create a slowdown in growth and a small spike in unemployment.

11. Source: Barclaycard data.

12. Source: Bank of England data.

13. Source: Scottish Retail Consortium.


15. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020.

16. Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.

17. Annual Population Survey.



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