
GDP Monthly Estimate: March 2023

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) statistics measure changes in the output of the economy. This is an experimental statistics publication for Scotland.

Main Findings

  • Scotland’s onshore GDP is estimated to have remained flat (0.0% change) in March. This follows growth of 0.3% in February (revised up from 0.2%) and a growth of 0.5% in January (revised down from 0.7%).
  • Output in the services sector, which accounts for around three quarters of the economy, is estimated to have contracted by 0.1% in March. At the broad level, output in consumer facing services grew by 0.5%, while health, education and public services output contracted by 0.2%.
  • In the three months to March, GDP is estimated to have grown by 0.4% compared to the previous three month period. This is an improvement compared to the growth of 0.2% in 2022 Quarter 4 (October to December). Further information on quarterly GDP can be found in the First Estimate of GDP for 2023 Quarter 1.
March GDP Tables
Monthly GDP publication: March 2023
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