
Mourning guidance following the death of Her Majesty The Queen

Guidance for the mourning period following the announcement from Buckingham Palace of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

Following the announcement by Buckingham Palace of the death of Her Majesty The Queen­ a period of National Mourning will start immediately and will continue until the end of the day of the State Funeral.

Mourning Period

The Royal Household will release details of the State Funeral for Her Majesty The Queen and associated events.  Details of these announcements will be available on the Royal website at

Matters related to the Demise of the Crown involve a fine balance between the sensitive expression of respect and sympathy and the need to ensure that delivery of services to the public continue. The principles outlined in this document are intended to strike that balance.

Public Services

The expectation is that Public Services will continue as usual throughout the mourning period.  However, there may be some localised impact on services; members of the public are therefore advised to check with the appropriate public service for further information.

Travel Information

Throughout the period of National Mourning, particularly on the days leading up to events in Edinburgh, public transport will be very busy and journeys may take longer than usual.

People are encouraged to plan their journeys, check routes before travelling and only travel where necessary.  Businesses based near to the major event zones may wish to encourage staff to work from home where possible, or be flexible about start and finish times.  This will be, however, at the discretion of individual organisations.

Road Closures

In preparation for ceremonial events, a number of road closures will come into operation over the coming days. Please check with your Local Authority for further information.


Please note, particularly on the days leading up to the events taking place in Edinburgh, trains will be very busy and journeys into and out of Edinburgh may take longer than usual. Please take this into consideration when making your travel plans and please look to avoid travelling during peak times wherever possible.

There may be some cancellations and short-notice alterations to the timetable during this period and we ask travellers to be patient during this time.

For more information, please refer to the ScotRail website at

Non-Emergency Health Care

For information about health services in Scotland, please go to the Scottish Government website or contact your local NHS Board for information of services during this period.

Emergency Services

Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Ambulance Service, A&E departments and emergency care will maintain normal service levels throughout this period.

Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service

All Courts in Scotland will close on the day of the State Funeral and cases listed for that day will be rescheduled.  Please refer to for further information. 

Further Information

For further information about ceremonial events, please refer to and

Events & Leisure

International, National and Domestic Sporting Events

There is no expectation that international, national or sporting fixtures will be cancelled or postponed during the mourning period; this is a decision for individual organisations.

If events are taking place during this period, particularly those involving a national team, organisers might wish to show a mark of respect by wearing black armbands, holding a minute’s silence or playing the National Anthem.  However, as a mark of respect on the day of the State Funeral, individual organisations may wish to cancel or postpone fixtures or withdraw teams from games scheduled to take place.

If fixtures cannot be cancelled, it is suggested that times are changed to avoid conflict with the timing of the State Funeral to allow those involved to pay their respects.

Major Cultural Events

There is no expectation that major cultural events (such as major exhibitions) should be cancelled or postponed during the mourning period.  However, for events that are taking place during this period, organisers might wish to consider how they can show a mark of respect, and where possible hold a minute’s silence or play the National Anthem.

Event organisers, particularly those with personal links to the Royal Family, may wish to postpone or cancel performances on the day of the State Funeral. 

Theatres, Cinemas, leisure facilities and other places of entertainment

It is at the discretion of individual theatres, cinemas and other places of entertainment to decide whether to cancel or postpone performances scheduled to take place during the mourning period.  Where the decision is taken to proceed, organisers may wish to consider some mark of respect, such as holding a minute’s silence or playing the National Anthem. 

Observing National Mourning - Up to the day of the State Funeral

Flags and Silences

Flags on Scottish Government Buildings will be flown at half-mast from the day of death to the day of the funeral service, both days inclusive.  Businesses or other organisations may wish to take similar action at their own discretion.

Scottish Government flag flying guidance.


Provision may be made to leave flowers in your local area.  Please check with your Local Authority. 

In Edinburgh, any members of the public wishing to leave floral tributes may take them to the Palace of Holyroodhouse where there will be two queuing systems in operation. Stewards will be available to offer assistance. Arrangements will be made between the Factor , Aberdeenshire Council and Police Scotland for members of the public wishing to leave floral tributes at the Main Gate to Balmoral Castle.


Making a donation to one of Her Majesty’s many Charities and Patronages may be a fitting way of paying tribute to her remarkable legacy. A list of Her Majesty’s Charities and Patronages, and how you can donate can be found at

Books of Condolence  

A Book of Condolence will be available online at the Royal website:

Books of Condolence may be made available in your local area.  Please check with your Local Authority.

Gun Salutes

A number of Gun Salutes will take place in Edinburgh throughout the period of National Mourning.  More information will be made available on the Ministry of Defence website and on the Royal website

Building Lighting

Buckingham Palace will be lit during the mourning period.

Other Royal Palaces and Royal Residences (The Palace of Holyroodhouse, Hillsborough Castle and Balmoral Castle) will be lit as they are now.

On the day of the State Funeral, Buckingham Palace will not be lit.  Other Royal Palaces and Royal Residences (The Palace of Holyroodhouse, Hillsborough Castle and Balmoral Castle) will also not be lit.

It is at the discretion of organisations/institutions whether their own buildings remain lit throughout the mourning period.

Websites & Social Media

Online communication channels may also be used to reflect the death of Her Majesty The Queen and participate in the period of National Mourning.  Organisations, such as those of which Her Majesty The Queen was Patron might, for example, modify the homepage of their site to feature a visual indication of mourning.  Other organisations may wish to include a black border on their homepage.

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