
'Moving on' from care into adulthood: consultation

This consultation invites views on the support available to young people as they leave care and enter adulthood.

Privacy Notice for ‘Moving On’ from Care into Adulthood Consultation

This document provides information about how we use your personal data, and the rights you have under UK data protection legislation.

Who we are

We are the Post-16 Care and Transitions Team based in the Children and Families Directorate of Scottish Government. Our head office is located at:

Area 2C South, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ.

Why we need your personal information?

The consultation will seek views on the package of support available to young people leaving care and transitioning into adulthood. This work contributes to the Scottish Government’s commitment to Keep the Promise by 2030. The information gathered through the consultation will be collated and analysed to create a robust evidence base, which will be used to inform how the support provided to young people leaving care can be improved.

In order to obtain an independent and objective analysis of the responses submitted, the Scottish Government will commission analysis from an independent contractor. The overall aim of the project is to provide a clear and concise report for publication, which reflects an independent and robust analysis of the consultation responses, in order to inform the next stages of policy development.

What personal data will be collected and processed

Data will be predominately collected from data subjects electronically via the Citizen Space online platform. Some respondents may submit their response via post or email. Responses received via Citizen Space are automatically entered into a database (downloadable onto Excel).

Data entry of responses received via email/post will be undertaken by the Scottish Government directly onto the online platform and will be uploaded as attachments on to the online platform for data entry by the appointed contractor.

After the consultation analysis contract is awarded, the Contractor will be provided with login details for Citizen Space (for this consultation only), where they will be able to access the consultation responses submitted online or uploaded as attachments, and download the database of online responses onto Microsoft Excel.

The database will include all or some of the following information about each respondent who replied using the online data form:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Responding as an individual or an organisation
  • (If responding on behalf of an organisation) Organisation’s name and sector (from list of options - e.g. public, private, third).
  • Permission to publish consultation response (public response with name, publish response only, do not publish response).
  • Content to be contacted by the Scottish Government in the future in relation to this consultation exercise
  • All inputted responses to the consultation questions.

The database will include all or some of the following information about each respondent who replied by e mail or post and either completed a Respondent Information Form or provided the information within their response:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • Phone number
  • Responding as an individual or an organisation
  • (If responding on behalf of an organisation) Organisation’s name and sector (from list of options - e.g. public, private, third).
  • Permission to publish consultation response (public response with name, publish response only, do not publish response).
  • Content to be contacted by the Scottish Government in the future in relation to this consultation exercise
  • All inputted responses to the consultation questions.

If individual respondents do not answer the question on publishing preferences, the default position is not to publish their response. If organisation respondents select ‘do not publish’ or do not answer this question, the organisation name may still be listed as having responded to the consultation.

What we do with your data

The data gathered through the consultation will be held on a secure, password protected server in the Scottish Government, in a sub-folder which is restricted to a limited number of staff working on the Consultation.

Responses to the consultation will be published in accordance with respondents’ expressed publication preferences. Where respondents have given permission for their response to be published, with or without their name, and after the Scottish Government has redacted any defamatory content which contravenes the moderation policy, consultation responses will be published at

Lawful basis

The lawful bases being relied on to use your personal information for the purpose of the Moving On consultation is Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR is ‘Processing is necessary for a task carried out in the public interest’.

The lawful basis for collecting sensitive personal data is Article 9(2)(g) ‘the processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller.’

How long we keep your data

The data will only be held for as long as the data is required after the project is completed. The project should complete by December 2024. After 12 months, a review will take place to determine whether the data needs to be retained or destroyed. If it is decided that there is no rationale to justify continuing to hold the data, then it will be destroyed. If it is decided that there is justification to continue to hold the data then it can be held until a further review 12 months later.

What my rights are

The right to be informed – about how we are using your personal data, which is done through this privacy notice. When other organisations, like the UK Government or local authorities, use your data they will also tell you about this.

  • The right of access – you can request a copy of personal data we hold about you. You can also request data on behalf of someone else if they want you to do this.
  • The right of rectification – you have the right to have us rectify our records if we hold inaccurate or incomplete information about you.
  • The rights of erasure, objection, and restriction – to have your details removed from our system, or limit how we use them. If we are legally obligated to store your data for longer than you wish we may not be able to carry out this request, but we will tell you this.

To action your rights contact: You can read more about these rights on the website of the Information Commissioner.


Contact us if you have any concerns about the information we hold about you at:

Scottish Government Data Protection Officer

Victoria Quay

Commercial Street



If you have already made a complaint to us and are not happy with the outcome, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

The Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Tel: 08456 30 60 60




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