
Moving Forward Making Changes: evaluation of a group-based treatment for sex offenders

This report summarises the key findings and policy messages from an evaluation of Moving Forward: Making Changes (MF:MC), an intensive group-based treatment programme for sex offenders.


First and foremost, we would like to thank the people who gave up their time to speak to us for this evaluation – MF:MC Treatment Managers and Practitioners; men who have participated in the programme; Case Managers; and stakeholders from Police Scotland and the NHS. Without their generosity in giving up their time to tell us about their views and experiences, we would not have been able to conduct this evaluation. We are also very grateful to those who provided us with data excerpts from the MF:MC IT system. The advisory group for this study – Catherine Bisset, Tamsyn Wilson and Gordon Mason (Scottish Government) and Shirley McCoard and James Carnie (Scottish Prison Service) – have been unfailingly helpful in their support and advice during the course of the evaluation. We would also like to thank Andrew Falconer for his help in talking us through the MF:MC IT system. Our academic advisor, Professor Hazel Kemshall (DeMontfort University), has provided expert insight and advice with great patience and clarity throughout this evaluation, for which we are extremely grateful.

All analysis and interpretation in this report is the responsibility of the authors.

Rachel Ormston & Ciaran Mullholland


Catherine Bisset

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