
How much do people in Scotland value characteristics of marine and coastal areas

This report summarises the results of a choice experiment survey that was designed to capture the preferences of Scottish people towards the management of marine and coastal areas in Scotland.

Annex 4: Model Outputs

Conditional Logit Model Coefficient Estimates
Attribute Coefficient Standard Error
Price (annual household water charge) -0.016*** 0.001
Size of area changed (1% of total sea area increase) 0.031** 0.010
Distance to coast (inshore) (reference level) (reference level)
Distance to coast (offshore) 0.030 0.047
Wildlife and habitats (very small increase) (reference level) (reference level)
Wildlife and habitats (small increase) -0.001 0.077
Wildlife and habitats (medium increase) 0.373*** 0.063
Wildlife and habitats (large increase) 0.688*** 0.067
Type of restrictions (none) (reference level) (reference level)
Type of restrictions (low) 0.322*** 0.076
Type of restrictions (moderate) 0.391*** 0.072
Type of restrictions (high) 0.006 0.066
Educational boards (no) (reference level) (reference level)
Educational boards (yes) 0.215*** 0.046
Status quo -0.459* 0.180

Note: ***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at the 0.1%, 1% and 5% level of confidence, respectively.

Mixed Logit Model Coefficient Estimates
Attribute Coefficient Standard Error
Price (annual household water charge) -0.016*** 0.001
Size of area changed (1% increase) 0.029** 0.011
Distance to coast (inshore) (reference level) (reference level)
Distance to coast (offshore) 0.032 0.049
Wildlife and habitats (very small increase) (reference level) (reference level)
Wildlife and habitats (small increase) 0.014 0.081
Wildlife and habitats (medium increase) 0.389*** 0.067
Wildlife and habitats (large increase) 0.714*** 0.070
Type of restrictions (none) (reference level) (reference level)
Type of restrictions (low) 0.324*** 0.080
Type of restrictions (moderate) 0.406*** 0.077
Type of restrictions (high) 0.005 0.068
Educational boards (no) (reference level) (reference level)
Educational Content (yes) 0.222*** 0.047
Status quo -0.507** 0.189
Standard Deviation Coefficients
Size of area changed (1% increase) 0.057* 0.022
Distance to coast (inshore) (reference level) (reference level)
Distance to coast (offshore) 0.051 0.183
Wildlife and habitats (very small increase) (reference level) (reference level)
Wildlife and habitats (small increase) 0.055 0.302
Wildlife and habitats (medium increase) 0.429 0.241
Wildlife and habitats (large increase) 0.008 0.243
Type of restrictions (none) (reference level) (reference level)
Type of restrictions (low) 0.217 0.254
Type of restrictions (moderate) 0.061 0.273
Type of restrictions (high) 0.109 0.247
Educational boards (no) (reference level) (reference level)
Educational Content (yes) 0.023 0.181
Status quo 0.068 0.196

Note: ***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at the 0.1%, 1% and 5% level of confidence, respectively.

Mixed logit model with interactions
Attribute Coefficient Standard Error
Mean Coefficients
Price (annual household water charge) -0.017*** 0.001
Size of area changed (1% increase) 0.028* 0.011
Distance to coast (inshore) (reference level) (reference level)
Distance to coast (offshore) 0.029 0.049
Wildlife and habitats (very small increase) (reference level) (reference level)
Wildlife and habitats (small increase) 0.009 0.082
Wildlife and habitats (medium increase) 0.401*** 0.068
Wildlife and habitats (large increase) 0.717*** 0.071
Type of restrictions (none) (reference level) (reference level)
Type of restrictions (low) 0.332*** 0.080
Type of restrictions (moderate) 0.413*** 0.077
Type of restrictions (high) 0.003 0.069
Educational boards (no) (reference level) (reference level)
Educational Content (yes) 0.221*** 0.048
coast.SQ -0.097 0.085
rec.SQ -0.187* 0.090
indust.SQ -0.204* 0.091
male.SQ 0.032 0.066
young.SQ -0.393*** 0.080
visit.SQ -0.420*** 0.078
Status quo -0.016 0.199
Standard Deviation Coefficients
Size of area changed (1% increase) 0.062 0.022
Distance to coast (inshore) (reference level) (reference level)
Distance to coast (offshore) 0.044 0.183
Wildlife and habitats (very small increase) (reference level) (reference level)
Wildlife and habitats (small increase) 0.042 0.304
Wildlife and habitats (medium increase) 0.398 0.248
Wildlife and habitats (large increase) 0.003 0.244
Type of restrictions (none) (reference level) (reference level)
Type of restrictions (low) 0.188 0.257
Type of restrictions (moderate) 0.038 0.275
Type of restrictions (high) 0.140 0.247
Educational boards (no) (reference level) (reference level)
Educational Content (yes) 0.044 0.182
Status quo 0.120 0.198

Note: ***, ** and * indicate statistical significance at the 0.1%, 1% and 5% level of confidence, respectively.



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