Mental health - distress framework for collaboration: multi-agency partnership approach
The framework for collaboration has been developed by the Scottish Government, along with Partnership Delivery Group (PDG) members, sets out principles for a multi-agency collaborative approach to supporting individuals experiencing distress or crisis.
9. Additional Resources
The National Trauma Transformation Programme
The National Trauma Transformation Programme website provides access to evidence-based training, tools and guidance to support trauma-informed and responsive systems, organisations and workforces in Scotland. It aims to support everyone, in all sectors of the workforce, to know how to adapt the way we work to make a positive difference to anyone who has been impacted by psychological trauma and adversity.
Time Space Compassion
This introductory guide to Time Space Compassion principles and approach has been developed for use by people and services who regularly come into contact with people experiencing suicidal crisis. However, these principles and approach can be applied more widely to anyone experiencing mental health distress or crisis, regardless of the nature.
Time Space Compassion is about securing better outcomes for people experiencing suicidal crisis. It does this by focusing on people’s experience, human connection, and relationships, offering a shared language, resources, and ways to connect and take action together.
Mental Health Improvement to Support People at Risk of Self-Harm and Suicide
These learning resources will support staff across health, social care, and the wider public sector to develop the knowledge and skills needed to promote good mental health and wellbeing across the whole population and to prevent poor mental health that can increase the risk of self-harm, or suicide. It is also about improving the quality and length of life for people who experience poor mental health and addressing the inequalities people can face.
Self-Harm Network Scotland’s aim is to develop and deliver informative and accessible training and resources to help improve understanding of self-harm. They have developed a number of different training opportunities that will enable organisations to choose the best option for them and their training needs. Best of all, all of their training is fully funded by the Scottish Government, making it free to access for individuals and organisations.
Health Improvement Scotland’s Personality Disorder Improvement Programme
The Personality Disorder Improvement Programme supports NHS boards and health and social care partnerships delivering mental health services to identify improvement opportunities in relation to the service provision for people with a diagnosis of a personality disorder in Scotland.
Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination
Although we have an increased awareness of mental health and wellbeing across Scotland, people continue to experience stigma and discrimination related to mental health. The stigma and discrimination people face within public and private services, including within health and social care, impact on a person’s experience of the support or treatment they receive, and also contribute to the person’s quality of life.
See Me is Scotland's national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination. They have helpful guides to support individuals and organisations with better understanding mental health stigma and discrimination, including its impact, people’s experiences, and how stigma and discrimination can be challenged.
They also published their Scottish Mental Illness Stigma Study in September 2022 which produced a wealth of data, exploring the impact of stigma in a range of different contexts, including mental healthcare services, healthcare services, legal and justice services, and interpersonal relationships.
To help tackle stigma and discrimination and improve a person’s care outcomes, See Me have developed online guidance and resources for the use of health and social care professionals to support them in providing care and support free from stigma and discrimination.
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