Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA):national guidance 2016
Ministerial guidance to responsible authorities on the discharge of their obligations under section 10 of the Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.
MAPPA Annex 5
MAPPA Coordinator Responsibilities
The role of the MAPPA Coordinator includes the following responsibilities:
- Report to, and be directed by, the MAPPA Strategic Oversight Group ( SOG)
- Provide a central point of reference for responsible authorities and DTC agencies in relation to the MAPPA
- Provide consultancy to agencies, providing advice and direction for MAPPA queries
- In consultation with relevant organisations, develop policies and procedures to support the implementation and maintenance of MAPPA guidance/requirements
- Design documents and other methods of information dissemination in support of MAPPA
- Deliver MAPPA awareness-raising seminars
- Attend team meetings of relevant agencies to provide information and support re MAPPA processes
- Receive notifications and referrals to MAPPA
- Act as single point of contact for all notifications
- Complete quality audit of notifications, maintain records and compile statistics for reporting purposes
- Act as single point of contact for all referrals
- Act as a gatekeeper, ensuring that appropriate levels are made at the right level of risk
- Challenge referral decisions if criteria do not appear to have been met
- Act as a conduit for appropriate links between MAPPA and other public protection forums
- Consult with child protection agencies to ensure explicit links with MAPPA and child protection systems are made and sustained
- Consult with adult protection agencies to ensure explicit links with MAPPA and adult protection systems are made and sustained
- Liaise with the SOLO on housing issues
- Identify which agencies are central to the delivery of risk management plans and organise appropriate attendance at meetings
- Develop and establish local networks with responsible authorities and DTC agencies
- Maintain purposeful on-going contact with these agencies and negotiate with senior managers whenever necessary
- Maintain up-to-date list of Single Point of Contact ( SPOC) for each agency
- Call for supporting information from the responsible authorities
- Identify which agencies should be core members of a MAPPA
- Determine whether attendance is vital and call for reports where it is not
- Require Agencies to search records for relevant information/collation of pre-meeting information
- Send forms requesting information to invitees/agencies for action
- Provide support to agencies to assist returns within five working days
- Identify gaps in knowledge and seek additional information where required
- Check quality of received information and address inadequacies with services
- Follow up non-returns and report on this to strategic/implementation group
- Arrange meetings, ensuring invitations to attend and supporting documentation are sent out on time
- Maintain set days for meetings
- Arrange initial meetings in consultation with attendees to maximise participation
- Monitor the sending of invites to ensure they are received by agencies at least five working days prior to Level 2 meetings, more where possible
- Arrange Level 3 meetings as quickly as possible to meet five-day performance indicator
- Compile pre-meeting information pack and send with invitations
- Provide quality assurance of MAPPA processes and monitor work to ensure a consistency of approach and that informed and appropriate decisions are taken
- Conduct regular audits of MAPPA systems
- Maintain and collate statistical information
- Analyse audit results and feedback to responsible authorities
- Ensure information systems and records are up to date and fit for purpose
- Identify difficulties within systems and work with the responsible authorities to find solutions
- Follow up non-attendance at MAPPA meetings
- Liaise with senior manager colleagues to resolve difficulties in attendance
- Link with Coordinators nationally to improve consistency of systems
- Audit minutes and identify gaps for dissemination to MAPPA Chairs
- Complete tasks from meetings as set by meeting Chairs
- Access and, where appropriate, input information on ViSOR
- Attend Level 3 meetings (and Level 2 meetings where possible)
- Provide relevant input to meetings as required
- Provide information to panel on behalf of absent agencies where possible
- Assist the Chair as required
- Provide panel with information regarding strategies used in other panels, whilst maintaining confidentiality
- Manage the MAPPA administration support staff
- Continually monitor workload and feedback issues to the responsible authorities
- Provide support to staff in relation to confidentiality, dealing with offence related information etc.
- Ensure cover is available for minutes taking/administration requirements
- Quality assure minutes prior to them being sent out to panel members
- Liaise with support services to ensure annual and sick leave is managed according to the contingencies of the service
- Draft Annual Report on behalf of the responsible authorities
- Develop inter-agency liaison including in relation to the development of training on risk assessment and risk management
- Where appropriate, act as a single point of contact for external agencies in relation to training opportunities, e.g. RMA
- Disseminate information on training opportunities to partner agencies
- Collate information from assessing quality of supporting information to identify training needs
- Attend training courses relevant to the assessment and management of dangerous offenders
- Maintain Links with MAPPA in other areas
- Inform other Coordinators when offenders move to their area
- Secure cooperation from responsible authorities in other areas in relation to offenders and victim
- Attend national Coordinators meetings as required
- Form and maintain links with responsible authorities nationally, e.g. SPS, State Hospital
- Ensure that the principles in relation to information sharing, confidentiality and disclosure are maintained as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding and information sharing protocols
- Actively participate in reviewing policy documents in light of legislative changes, and or internal developments, and at set review times
- Ensure meeting participants are aware of confidentiality requirements and that confidentiality statement signatories are maintained
- Provide advice to agencies regarding the on-going receipt and storage of sensitive information
- Ensure documentation transfer is in line with the government protective marking scheme ( GPMS)
- Obtain, where possible, copies of written consent for information sharing where appropriate
- Ensure discussions about public disclosure are recorded adequately within meeting minutes
- Actively market the work of the MAPPA
- Undertake other such reasonable duties which may be required from time to time by the SOG.
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