
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA):national guidance 2016

Ministerial guidance to responsible authorities on the discharge of their obligations under section 10 of the Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.

MAPPA Document 5B

MAPPA Minute Completion Notes

Confidentiality Statement

At the beginning of each MAPPA meeting the statement of confidentiality should be agreed by all present. This statement is intended to remind and reassure those attending of the sensitive nature of some of the information shared at the meetings. The actual wording of the statement is contained within the document set.

Purpose of Meeting

The record of every meeting must clarify whether it is an initial or a review meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

  • Bring additional information or assist agencies to assess the relevance of existing information;
  • Review and establish agreement regarding the development and implementation of a Risk Management Plan including ensuring;
    • The analysis of the risk of serious harm has identified the risks;
    • That the identified risk management strategies and activities are implemented in line with professional role and competence;
    • That decisions are taken to address any obstacles to the delivery of the RMP and uninterrupted service provision;
  • Consider whether the MAPPA level should increase or decrease;
  • Set a formal review date for the risk management plan.

Meeting Details

Record the type of meeting, (Initial/Review), along with the location and date, Category of offender, (currently Category 1 or Restricted Patient) and the MAPPA level at which risk is currently assessed and managed.

Offender Information

Record the full details of the offender as per the checklist provided. This should be done in advance of the meeting

Key Dates

Record the date of the index offence along with the earliest date of liberation, and dates relates to licence expiry, SONR expiry date and the dates relating to Civil orders (granted & expiry).

Lead Authority

Record the details of the relevant lead authority including the address, case details and telephone/email contact details.


Provide a list of any attached documents to be used at the meeting. The documents should be clearly labelled and may include for example:

  • Minutes of previous meetings.
  • Action Register
  • Copies of relevant risk assessments
  • Agency update reports
  • Current Risk Management Plan


Record details of all those in attendance including the agency they represent. Also record details of those submitting apologies in advance, and those who stated they would attend but did not.

Agency Update

The name of the person providing the briefing should be recorded. It will be for each agency to consider how to present their information.

Risk Assessment Discussion

Record the discussion related to the Risk Assessment for the offender - see the risk assessment documentation; (document 6 of the Document Set).

Agreed Level of Risk of serious Harm

The MAPPA Risk level definitions are as follows:

Very High: There is imminent risk of serious harm. The potential event is more likely than not to happen imminently, and the impact could be serious.

High: There are identifiable indicators of risk of serious harm. The potential event could happen at any time and the impact could be serious.

Medium: There are identifiable indicators of risk of serious harm. This person has the potential to cause harm, but is unlikely to do so unless there is a change of circumstances.

Low: Current evidence does not indicate likelihood of causing serious harm.

Risk Management Discussion

Record the discussion related to the risk management planning for the offender - see the risk management documentation; (document 7 in the Document Set).

Contingency Planning Discussion

Record the discussion related to Contingency Planning for the offender - see the risk management documentation; (document 7 in the Document Set).

MAPPA Level Discussion

A discussion will take place on whether the current MAPPA level remains appropriate in light of the risk assessment and the proposed risk management plan.

Disclosure and Public Protection Decisions

The MAPPA provide a focus at case management level for agencies to actively take disclosure into consideration. To ensure that this forms part of the offender management process, the MAPPA meeting should consider whether disclosure needs to take place. If so, the following should be recorded:

Reason for disclosure/no disclosure;

Date when disclosure took place;

To whom the disclosure was made.

Third-party disclosure at MAPPA meetings will, in the main, be in respect of child or adult protection issues.

The ultimate decision on third-party disclosure in relation to the status of registered sex offenders lies with the Chief Constable, however, disclosure does not usually take place without consultation between the police and other agencies responsible for the management of the offender. Within this guidance there is a fuller examination of disclosure matters within Chapter 9.

Due consideration must be given to diversity issues - whether, in respect of either the offender or the actual or potential victim, there are gender, age, sexuality, racial, religious, disability or any other issues which may lead to unfair and unlawful discrimination which affect the assessment AND the management of risks.

Action Register

Following the Initial meeting an action register should be maintained as a record of all actions agreed at the meetings over time. It includes the date the action was raised, the individual or authority responsible for the action, and the date it was completed and the outcome. Overtime this will provide a chronological record of all the actions agreed and undertaken in each case.


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