
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA):national guidance 2016

Ministerial guidance to responsible authorities on the discharge of their obligations under section 10 of the Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.


1. Level 1 Management is not applicable to Other Risk of Serious Harm offenders. Chapter 9 refers.

2. FRAME promotes consistent and proportionate practice by proposing a tiered approach in which the same standards, principles and practice process apply, but are delivered proportionate to the risk. 'Active and alert risk management' is the term applied to the approach indicated when managing those who pose a risk of serious harm.

3. FRAME promotes consistent and proportionate practice by proposing a tiered approach in which the same standards, principles and practice process apply, but are delivered proportionate to the risk. 'Active and alert risk management' is the term applied to the approach indicated when managing those who pose a risk of serious harm.

4. The definition of risk of serious harm is given in Chapter 4, section 4.4

5. Further information on the assessment and management of risk can be found in chapter 4. It should be noted that while housing may be a potential factor in the risk management of an individual case within the community, the National Accommodation Strategy for Sex Offenders ( NASSO) does not apply to offenders subject to this MAPPA category.

6. Offenders who fall into this MAPPA category may also feature within the Domestic Abuse Multi-Agency Tasking and Coordinating ( MATAC) Groups in operation within Police Scotland. These aim to identify and proactively target domestic abuse offenders who present greatest risk of harm to victims and their families. Where both processes apply the MAPPA Coordinator should establish contact with the MATAC Coordinator to ensure relevant information is shared.

Consider the context(s) and timeframe of the plan and explain how the risk(s) may present in terms of "what", "to whom", "when", "why" and "how"


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