
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) in Scotland: national overview report 2021/2022

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), are a set of statutory partnership working arrangements introduced in 2007. This report provides an overview of the main national developments in relation to MAPPA during the reporting period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.


1. Targets for STIP have not been set because this intervention is provided for individuals subject to short-term sentences and delivery is completed at sites when there is capacity to deliver. It is modular and so there is no clear timeframe on how long an individual will attend this. Completions for STIP are typically high, however in the next delivery year the other programmes have taken priority due to waiting lists.

2. MAPPS will be the replacement system for ViSOR.

3. Group 1 and 2 crimes - Group 1 relates to non-sexual crimes of violence and group 2 relates to sexual crimes.



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