
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) in Scotland: national overview report 2021/2022

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), are a set of statutory partnership working arrangements introduced in 2007. This report provides an overview of the main national developments in relation to MAPPA during the reporting period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

2. The National Picture

Scotland's Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements are an excellent example of joint working between justice partners and other agencies, which is driven by the shared aim of managing individuals who present a risk of serious harm and ensuring that the protection of the public remains paramount.

Whilst COVID-19 restrictions came to an end in 2021, many justice partners and agencies continue to deal with the aftermath of the pandemic. However, despite these challenges, they have continued throughout the year to work together in order to focus on risk assessment/management and the continued protection of the public.

Nationally MAPPA has seen a number of developments in the past 12 months and work continues to deliver future improvement to the arrangements.



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