
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) in Scotland: national overview report 2021/2022

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), are a set of statutory partnership working arrangements introduced in 2007. This report provides an overview of the main national developments in relation to MAPPA during the reporting period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

3. MAPPA Developments

A summary of this work includes:

MAPPA and Terrorism

The Scottish Government continues to work with the Responsible Authorities in considering MAPPA's role in the risk assessment and risk management arrangements for individuals convicted of terrorism and terrorism related offences. This work is being taken forward by the Scottish Government-led multi-agency national MAPPA Development Group and builds on the findings of two reports published by the Risk Management Authority in 2021 which will inform future policy direction in this area. (A Review of Risk Assessment Tools and Risk Factors relevant to Terrorism and Radicalisation and A Review of Risk Management Approaches relevant to Terrorism and Radicalisation).

Moving Forward 2 Change (MF2C)

The Moving Forward: Making Changes (MF:MC) programme was designed jointly by the Scottish Prison Service and Community Justice Operational Practice Unit of the Scottish Government, with the aim of reducing the risk of sexual recidivism. The programme was accredited in 2014 and though accreditation has now lapsed the programme continues to be delivered to accredited standards. A National Advisory Board was set up in May 2019, who unanimously concluded that a revision (not a replacement) of the programme was required.

The re-designed programme, called Moving Forward 2 Change (MF2C) reflects a developing evidence base, advice from the Scottish Advisory Panel on Offender Rehabilitation (SAPOR), evaluation recommendations, and stakeholder consultations. The pilot of MF2C launched on 1 July 2022 in two custodial sites and three community sites. There is a feedback loop to the National Design Lead to ensure the safety of the staff and participants. Changes will be made as necessary (and with approval of the MF2C Steering Group) to ensure that the pilot participants receive the best service possible and so that the pilots inform the ongoing development of MF2C.

MAPPA National Guidance

Updated MAPPA National Guidance was published in March 2022 by the Scottish Government. The guidance, which aims to bring a greater clarity to MAPPA procedures, was developed in collaboration with key justice partners and stakeholders.



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