
Multi Agency Public Protection (MAPPA) National Guidance 2014

MAPPA Guidance issued by Scottish Ministers under section 10(6) of the Management of Offenders etc (Scotland) Act 2005. This guidance has been developed by the Scottish Government in conjunction with the responsible authorities.

15 The Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR)

1 The Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR) is a computer system which provides a UK multi-agency information sharing tool which can be accessed and updated by the police, Scottish Prison Service (SPS), local authorities and the Scottish Government, Re-Shaping Care and Mental Health Division.

2 The main function of ViSOR is to ensure that the responsible authorities contribute, share and store critical information about MAPPA offenders which enhances communication across the four responsible authorities.

3 ViSOR provides a secure database enabling the sharing of risk assessment and risk management information on MAPPA offenders in a timely way. It improves the capacity to share intelligence and allows for the secure and immediate transfer of key information when these offenders move between areas. In addition, ViSOR provides the opportunity to access consistent management information to support performance analysis and improved working practices. It will also provide information for the MAPPA annual reports and will store the MAPPA meeting minutes and risk management plans.


4 The ViSOR system is confidential and as such all Data Protection Act (1998) requests will require to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The disclosure of information could adversely affect police activity and as such an access request may be denied.

5 In order for ViSOR to be an effective information sharing and risk management tool, information on all MAPPA offenders should be held on the system including those offenders currently serving custodial sentences.

6 Each ViSOR nominal has a manager who has responsibility for the collation and quality assurance of information stored on that record. There can also be a number of partners to a record who have the ability to input information into the nominal record. The accuracy of this information is the responsibility of the person entering it.


7 Currently, ViSOR is accessible by the responsible authorities. In addition, as a UK wide system, all police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the British Transport Police and the Military Police, as well as all English and Welsh Prisons and their Probation Service have a direct link to the information held on ViSOR.

8 Further information for practitioners on the subject of ViSOR can be found within the manual of ViSOR standards which includes agreed responsibility for the input of information and minimum standards.


Email: Gus MacDonald

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