
Multi Agency Public Protection (MAPPA) National Guidance 2014

MAPPA Guidance issued by Scottish Ministers under section 10(6) of the Management of Offenders etc (Scotland) Act 2005. This guidance has been developed by the Scottish Government in conjunction with the responsible authorities.

Annex 9: Glossary of Terms

Absconded restricted patient: Abscond is defined as an occasion when a restricted patient is absent without authority.

ADSW: The Association of Directors of Social Work.

CPA: Care Programme Approach. A process for organising the multi-disciplinary care and treatment of patients with mental health problems. Regular review meetings are held where needs are identified and plans put in place to meet these needs. Risk assessment and risk management are an integral part of this process.

CHI: Community Health Index. A database in wide use throughout NHS Scotland. It contains data on patient demographics and some clinical information on aspects of healthcare screening and surveillance. The CHI number is, effectively, an NHS number and its use as a patient identifier makes it increasingly important to the implantation of 'eHealth' (electronic health records (EHR) and other information and communication technologies (ICT) being introduced to healthcare in Scotland).

CHS: Criminal History System. The Criminal Records system held by the police in Scotland.

CJA: Community Justice Authority.

CJSW: Criminal Justice Social Work.

CSO: Community Service Order. Up to 300 hours unpaid work to be conducted within a set timescale. Commission of further offence is an automatic breach of order and if breach established at Court, the offender is remitted back to Court for sentence for 'new' offence and previous offence.

CO: Compulsion Order. A disposal made by a criminal Court where a person has been convicted of an offence or acquitted on account of insanity or found insane in bar of trial. The patient may be detained in hospital (which would usually be the case initially) or subject to compulsory treatment in the community. A compulsion order operates in a similar way to a Compulsory Treatment Order (CTO).

CPO: Community Payback Order. A Community Payback Order is an order imposing one or more of the following requirements: (a) an offender supervision requirement; (b) a compensation requirement; (c) an unpaid work or other activity requirement; (d) a programme requirement; (e) a residence requirement; (f) a mental health treatment requirement; (g) a drug treatment requirement; (h) an alcohol treatment requirement; (i) a conduct requirement.

CTO: Compulsory Treatment Order. A civil order under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 which allows for the compulsory treatment of a person with mental disorder either in hospital or the community.

CD: Conditional Discharge (restricted patient). The Tribunal is empowered to order CD when a restricted patient no longer requires to be detained in hospital. The Tribunal may impose such conditions as it sees fit. The patient is subject to recall to hospital by Scottish Ministers in the event of a deterioration in the patient's mental disorder and/or breach of conditions.

CORO: Compulsion Order and Restriction Order. Where there is an on-going risk of serious harm the Court may make a restriction order in addition to a Compulsion Order. A patient on a CORO can only be transferred to another hospital or given periods of time outside hospital with the permission of the Scottish Ministers. Where a patient is subject to a CORO they can only be discharged to the community by a Mental Health Tribunal. Usually strict conditions will be placed on a patient on CORO in the community and the Scottish Government closely monitors the management of these patients. While a patient is on a CORO, either in hospital or conditionally discharged to the community, they are a restricted patient.

Custodial Sentence: Short-Term-Prisoner: custodial sentence less than 4 years imprisonment. Long-Term-Prisoner: custodial sentence over 4 years.

Disclosure: The sharing of specific information about a MAPPA offender with a third party (not involved in MAPPA) for the purposes of protecting the public. There are various methods of disclosure.

DTC: Duty To Cooperate. The DTC persons or bodies in Scotland are listed within The Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 (Specification of Persons) Order 2007.

DTTO: Drug Treatment and Testing Order. A Court Order aimed at assisting offenders to reduce drug use and related offending. An offender must agree to treatment and submit to frequent and random drug tests, attend Court for monthly reviews and be supervised by a DTTO Team.

DWP: Department for Work and Pensions.

EDL: Earliest date of liberation for offenders in prison.

Escorted Leave (restricted patient): A period of suspension of detention from the hospital accompanied by a nurse escort and following consent from Scottish Ministers.

ESO: Extended Sentence Order. Statutory order imposed by Court at time of sentencing to provide for an additional period of supervision on licence in the community over and above that which would normally have been the case. Example: An offender sentenced to 3 years custodial term and 3 years extension period would be released after serving 18 months in prison but would be on licence for the balance of the custodial period, i.e. 18 months plus a further 3 years = 4 years and six months in total on licence.

FTO: Foreign Travel Order. Civil order imposed by a court on application of the Chief Constable to prevent offenders with convictions for sexual offences against children, from travelling abroad where it is necessary to do so, to protect children from the risk of sexual harm. The offender must surrender their passport to the police.

HD: Hospital Direction. A disposal which may be made by a criminal Court where a mentally disordered offender is convicted on indictment (i.e. a serious offence has been committed). The patient is detained in hospital and a prison sentence is imposed which runs in parallel. If the patient no longer requires treatment in hospital then they can go to prison to serve the rest of their sentence. If they remain in hospital at the end of the prison sentence then they must be released or if they need to be detained in hospital, then an application is made for a CTO. While a patient is on a HD they are a restricted patient.

ICM: Integrated Case Management. A management structure used by the Scottish Prison Service. This approach brings together the prisoner, their family (where appropriate) and other key staff to examine the prisoner's progress through custody. The case conference will consider the actions/interventions that are necessary to help make the prisoner's stay in custody successful. The case conference will also examine the assessed risks the prisoner poses and help decide on appropriate interventions aimed at reducing those risks. This particular approach is useful in (a) keeping the prisoner at the centre of the ICM process, (b) maintaining a focus on issues which are external to the prison as well as internal, (c) the sharing of relevant information across agencies and (d) assessing and managing risk.

ICR: Initial Case Review. A part of the MAPPA significant case review process

Legally Insane: A small number of mentally disordered offenders are found unfit to plead (also known as unfitness for trial) or are acquitted by reason of special defence. Legally, such individuals are regarded as insane, even though this is not a term used by mental health professionals. In these cases courts may make a mental health disposal and in most cases individuals are detained in hospital.

Life Licence: Those who have received a mandatory life licence (e.g. murder); those who receive a discretionary life licence - imposed in respect of repeat offenders.

MAPPA: Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements.

MAPPP: Multi Agency Public Protection Panel.

MDO: Mentally Disordered Offender.

MHO: Mental Health Officer.

MISSING: A Sex Offender should be considered as Missing in the following circumstances: Where the current whereabouts of an offender is unknown and police enquiries to establish their whereabouts have been unsuccessful. As a result of these actions the risk management process may not be achievable and there exists a requirement to trace the individual and address the risk he/she may pose and establish if further offences have been committed. Those offenders who have left the territorial jurisdiction of the United Kingdom and whose location abroad is known are not considered as missing. The requirement to comply with the registration process is suspended whilst offenders are out with the UK. Where appropriate, consideration should be given to establishing whether the offender has committed an offence relative to notification of his/her foreign travel. In this situation if an arrest warrant is issued relative to such an offence the offender should be regarded as Wanted.

M.O: Modus Operandi. The method by which the offender committed the crime or offence.

NASSO: National Accommodation Strategy for Sex Offenders.

Non-Parole Licence: All long-term prisoners, excluding life sentence prisoners, are automatically released on Non-Parole Licence when they have served two thirds of their custodial sentence.

N.O: Notification Order. Require sexual offenders who have been convicted overseas to register with police, in order to protect the public in the UK from the risks that they pose.

OLR: Order for Lifelong Restriction. A sentence that has been available in Scotland since 2006. It provides for the lifelong management of individuals who have committed high risk violent and sexual offences.

Parole Licence: Parole is a system that enables offenders to be released on licence in the community under the supervision of a community based social worker. If an offender is released on parole, they are subject to be recalled to prison at any time if they breach the terms of their licence. Parole is only granted where the Parole Board is satisfied that the risk presented by the offender can be managed in the community.

PID: Personal Identification Device. Commonly known as a 'tag', see RLO.

PNC: Police National Computer.

Police Service of Scotland: Also known as Police Scotland the service was formally established on 1 April 2013 and is responsible for policing in Scotland.

PQD: Parole Qualifying Date. The date when the offender can qualify for parole.

Probation Order: 6 months to 3 years with conditions attached, e.g. address sexually offending behaviour within the community. Commission of further offence is an automatic breach of order and if breach established at Court, the offender is remitted back to Court for sentence for 'new' offence and previous offence.

RAO: Risk Assessment Order. An Order from the Court in respect of an Order for Lifelong Restriction.

Responsible Authorities: The responsible authorities are the police, local authorities, health boards or Special Health Boards and the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) (acting on behalf of Scottish Ministers).

Restricted Patient: This is an offender defined under the Management of Offenders etc (Scotland) Act 2005 Section 10, 11 (a) to (d).

RSO: Registered Sex Offender. This is an offender convicted of an offence specified in the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and therefore subject to the notification requirements of this Act.

RLO: Restriction of Liberty Order. A Court Order requiring an offender to remain within their home at times specified by the Court. Compliance is monitored electronically by the person wearing a 'Personal Identification Device' (PID) or 'tag'.

RSHO: Risk of Sexual Harm Order. Place restrictions and obligations on someone who is behaving in such a way which suggests that they pose a risk of sexual harm to a particular child or to children generally. The person's behaviour need not constitute a criminal offence, and s/he need not have any previous convictions. If the person fails to comply with (i.e. breaches) the requirements of the order, he can be taken back to Court and may be liable to up to 5 years' imprisonment. A conviction for breach of the order also renders the person subject to the sex offender notification requirements.

RMO: Responsible Medical Officer.

SCR: Significant Case Review

SCRA: Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

SOPO: Sexual Offences Prevention Order. A Court may make a SOPO at the time of dealing with certain sexual offenders or when the police make a special application on account of the offender's behaviour in the community. A SOPO can place restrictions and obligations on the offender and will require the subject to register as a sexual offender. If the offender fails to comply with (i.e. breaches) the requirements of the order, he can be taken back to Court and may be liable to up to 5 years' imprisonment.

Short Term Sex Offender Licence: All sexual offenders sentenced to 6 months or more but less than 4 years will be released on such a licence. Release will occur after completion of half the sentence subject to licence conditions for the duration of the sentence.

SOG: Strategic Oversight Group

SOLO: Sex Offender Liaison Officer. Usually a housing officer.

SONR: Sex Offender Notification Requirements

SPS: Scottish Prison Service.

Standard Licence Conditions: Standard Licence Conditions apply to all 'licences' whether on extended sentence, life, discretionary, parole or non-parole cases. In addition to standard conditions, the Parole Board can consider additional conditions on submissions made by CJSW.

Statutory Supervision - Includes Life Licence, Parole Licence, Non-Parole Licence, Extended Sentence Order, Order for Lifelong Restriction, Short-Term Sex Offender Licence, Probation Order, Community Service Order. All of which are defined.

SUS: Suspension of Detention (restricted patient). A period of leave either escorted or unescorted following consent of Scottish Ministers.

TTD: Transfer for Treatment Direction. A procedure under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Act which allows a sentenced prisoner with a mental disorder to be transferred to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. If the patient no longer requires treatment in hospital then they can go back to prison to serve the rest of their sentence. If they remain in hospital at the end of the prison sentence then they must be released or if they need to be detained in hospital, then an application is made for a CTO. While a patient is on a TTD they are a restricted patient.

Unescorted Leave (restricted patient): A period of suspension of detention from hospital under specified conditions as part of gradual rehabilitation programme and only following MAPPA consideration and Scottish Ministers' consent.

ViSOR: Violent and Sex Offenders Register.

WANTED: A sex offender subject to the SONR should be considered as wanted in the following circumstances: Where it is known that an offender is actively avoiding police in response to police enquiries to trace that individual relative to offences they may have committed or in relation to other matters for which it is required that they be interviewed. This may include those occasions where an offender is the subject of an arrest warrant.


Email: Gus MacDonald

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