
Multi Agency Public Protection (MAPPA) National Guidance 2014

MAPPA Guidance issued by Scottish Ministers under section 10(6) of the Management of Offenders etc (Scotland) Act 2005. This guidance has been developed by the Scottish Government in conjunction with the responsible authorities.


1. FRAME promotes consistent and proportionate practice by proposing a tiered approach in which the same standards, principles and practice process apply, but are delivered proportionate to the risk. 'Active and alert risk management' is the term applied to the approach indicated when managing those who pose a risk of serious harm.

2. FRAME promotes consistent and proportionate practice by proposing a tiered approach in which the same standards, principles and practice process apply, but are delivered proportionate to the risk. 'Active and alert risk management' is the term applied to the approach indicated when managing those who pose a risk of serious harm.


Email: Gus MacDonald

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