
Naghat Ahmed - Care Inspectorate board member and MACS committee member: case study

Public appointment case study.

Tell us about the board you sit on and what it does

Board member – Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate is a non-departmental public body set up to regulate care services in Scotland and to inspect the social work services provided by local authorities and we carry out joint inspections with partner organisations. The board sets the strategic direction of the Care Inspectorate, taking into account legislation and policy guidance set by the Scottish Government. Each member of the board brings a wealth of experience and wide-ranging skills, along with a passionate interest in social care. The public board meetings are held at least four times a year and members of the public are welcome to join us at these meetings.

Committee member – Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS)

MACS is a non-departmental public body which gives advice to Scottish Ministers on the travel needs of disabled people. The committee has 15 public appointees (appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity).

Tell us about your journey to becoming a board member

Why did you apply?

I applied for the role as it was looking for a board member with caring experience and I thought this is my opportunity to share my passionate interest in social care.

What experience did you bring from other roles e.g. from professional life, personal life, voluntary roles?

I largely brought my personal life experience which is from my caring role along with my professional roles of project management and corporate governance.

What have you gained from your time on the board?

I have gained knowledge from a wider perspective of how the Care Inspectorate provides assurance and protection for people who use services, their families and the wider public to improve the quality of care for people in Scotland.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about a public appointment?

We all have a unique journey in life and your experience may be what the Board is looking for. Apply for the public appointment even if you do not think you have the wealth of experience to be a Board member!

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