
Neurological conditions national action plan 2019-2024: draft for consultation

Consultation on draft of our first national action plan on improving the care, treatment and support available to people living with neurological conditions and their carers.

Annex F: References

1. Neurological Alliance of Scotland et al. April 2003. Neuro numbers: a brief review of the numbers of people in the UK with a neurological condition. Neurological Alliance.

2. Ibid.

3. Scottish Public Health Observatory (2017). Scottish Burden of Disease study, 2015. NHS Health Scotland and ISD, Edinburgh.

4. Scottish Government. National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions.

5. Scottish Government. August 2014. Stroke Improvement Plan. Scottish Government, Edinburgh, ISBN 9781784127046.

6. Scottish Government. June 2017. National Dementia Strategy: 2017-2020. Scottish Government, Edinburgh, ISBN 9781786528407. /publications/scotlands-national-dementia-strategy-2017-2020/

7. Scottish Government. June 2013. The keys to life: Improving Quality of Life for People with Learning Disabilities, Scottish Government, Edinburgh, ISBN 9781782566366

8. Alliance Scotland et al. 2018. Priorities from the Lived Experience Project. Unpublished.

9. Grant, I and Kavanagh, J. April 2018. NACNC NACNC briefing on estimating prevalence of neurological disorders in Scotland from the Scottish Burden Of Disease study, Scottish Burden of Diseases Study Team, NHS National Services Scotland Information Services Division. Unpublished.

10. National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions. August 2018. Mapping Neurological Services in Scotland 2017/18. Unpublished.

11. Ilson, S. August 2018. Establishing Best Practice in Neurological Service Delivery and the Ideals of an Action Plan, Scottish Government, Edinburgh. Unpublished.

12. Ilson, S. August 2018. Person Centred Care and Self-Management, Scottish Government, Edinburgh. Unpublished.

13. Alliance Scotland, Scotland's House of Care.

14. Scottish Huntington’s Association. 2017. National Care Framework for Huntington’s Disease.

15. Scottish Government. August 2016. Active and Independent Living (AILIP) Logic Model Version 7. Scottish Government, Edinburgh,

16. Singh, D and Hamm, C. 2006. Improving Care for People with Long Term Conditions: a review of UK and International Frameworks. Birmingham Health Services Management Centre, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement ISBN 07044 2584 X

17. Welsh Government (WG). 2017. Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan.

18. Scottish Government. June 2017. Health and Social Care Standards :My support, my life. Scottish Government, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781788510158

19. Scottish Government. 2016. Carers (Scotland) Act. Scottish Government, Edinburgh

20. Scottish Government, Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care. Scottish Government, Edinburgh

21. Ibid.

22. Healthcare Improvement Scotland. September 2018. General standards for neurological care and support – draft standards: September 2018. NHS Scotland.

23. Ibid.

24. Ibid.

25. National Services Scotland. 2018. Local Intelligence Support Team: Supporting Health and Social Care Partnership and GP Cluster information needs across Scotland

26. Scottish Government. 11 Sept 2018. Care Home Census for Adults in Scotland Figures for 2007-2017 (as at 31 March). NHS National Services Scotland Information Services Division.

27. Scottish Access Collaborative (

28. Scottish Government. December, 2016. The Modern Outpatient: A Collaborative Approach 2017-2020 Scottish Government, Edinburgh. ISBN: 9781786526274

29. Ibid.

30. National Services Scotland. 2018. Scottish Atlas of Variation.

31. Professor David Greenway et al. October 2013. Shape of Training: Securing the future of excellent patient care. Shape of Training (

32. Scottish Social Services Council. 2016. Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers. Scottish Social Services Council, Dundee.

33. Scottish Government and COSLA. December 2017. National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan: Part 2 - a framework for improving workforce planning for social care in Scotland. Edinburgh /publications/national-health-social-care-workforce-plan-part-2-framework-improving/


Email: Colin Urquhart / Clinical Priorities

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