
Neurological conditions national action plan 2019-2024: draft for consultation

Consultation on draft of our first national action plan on improving the care, treatment and support available to people living with neurological conditions and their carers.

Executive Summary

We want to ensure that people living with neurological conditions have access to the best possible care and support. To achieve this goal, we have developed this plan in partnership with the National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions (NACNC) and wider Neurological Community. It sets out a vision for driving improvement in the care, treatment and support available to people living with neurological conditions – and their carers - in Scotland.

Throughout we have used ‘Neurological Community’ to mean people living with neurological conditions, their families and carers, those who provide care and support, practitioners, clinicians, academics, NHS Boards, Integration Authorities, third sector and independent care providers.

Our Vision

Everyone with a neurological condition will be able to access the care and support they need to live well, on their own terms.

Our Aims

  • Ensure people with neurological conditions and their carers are partners in their care and support
  • Improve the provision of co-ordinated health and social care and support for people with neurological conditions
  • Ensure high standards of effective, person-centred, and safe care and support
  • Improve equitable and timely access to health and social care and support across Scotland
  • Build a sustainable neurological workforce for the future

We will do this by working with national, regional and local services to:

  • Support people to manage their condition as appropriate to their needs
  • Develop integrated and co-ordinated models of care and support with the Neurological Community
  • Support HSCP’s to embed mainstream models of care that ensure personalised support in every case, and options over the level of control the individual and their family chose to take, in accordance with the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013
  • Test and introduce innovative ways of delivering health and social care and support
  • Improve our understanding of the neurological population in Scotland
  • Improve ways of measuring quality of care and outcomes via better data collection and use of outcome measures
  • Use technology to enhance care.
  • Support participation of all members of the Neurological Community in research and quality improvement

We will meet the aims above through commitments which we have identified for implementation, these can be found throughout the plan and at Annex A.


Email: Colin Urquhart / Clinical Priorities

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