
National action plan to tackle child sexual exploitation: progress report 2017-2018

The second annual progress report for the national action plan to prevent and tackle child sexual exploitation.

Next Steps

This is the second annual report from the National CSE Group on progress against the National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation Update that published in 2016.

Over the next year, the National CSE Group will:

1. Continue to oversee implementation of the actions within the national action plan.

2. Keep the national action plan under review, to ensure Scotland's response takes account of emerging threats including technology, current research and approaches being delivered across the UK.

3. Identify further opportunities to influence national policy, to ensure that action to prevent and tackle CSE is embedded across Government.

4. Continue to disseminate good practice and shared learning, to increase the knowledge of practitioners and to inform local CSE strategies.

5. Consider how we can contribute to work being undertaken by the Scottish Government to improve services for children and young people who have been victims of sexual assault.

A final progress report will be published in 2019, along with recommendations of how we will continue to respond to tackling child sexual exploitation in Scotland.


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