
Relationships and behaviour in schools: national action plan 2024 to 2027

This joint action plan draws together the actions that will be taken between 2024 and 2027 in response to the evidence from the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research 2023.

Theme 1: Setting clear national expectations for promoting positive relationships and behaviour in schools

Action 1: Create a clear and consistent definition and understanding of relationships and behaviour.

Action 2: Identify good practice in evidence-based relationships and behaviour approaches, including consequences.

Action 3: Publish new national guidance on emerging areas of concern.

Action 4: Review all current processes for recording incidents including violent incidents, to identify potential means of streamlining processes and improving consistency.

Key deliverables (how the actions will be supported and implemented)

During phase 1:

  • Develop a clear national definition of relationships and behaviour, including violence and aggression, to be integrated into national and local school policies and guidance.
  • Provide resources to schools on whole-school approaches to relationships and behaviour, grounded in developing strong relationships, high expectations, and effectively setting limits.
  • Publish evidence-based guidance: such guidance should support early intervention and prevention through a staged intervention model; further clarify relationships and behaviour approaches; and include improved guidance around responding to situations in which children and young people are not responsive to authoritative approaches based on strong relationships, high expectations and limit setting and where assessment would dictate that a more individualised plan will more likely lead to change over time.
  • Update Respect for All, the national anti-bullying guidance.
  • Establish a working group to review current processes and mechanisms for recording different types of incidents, including bullying, violent incidents, and incidents against staff.

During phase 2:

  • Publish a whole school approach on preventing and responding to racism and racist incidents.
  • Develop guidance on vaping/substance use in schools.

In all phases:

  • Update, consolidate and rationalise existing suite of relationship and behaviour guidance.
  • To provide, clear, concise, consistent and practical real-world guidance.
  • Develop appropriate communications plans to support roll out of guidance and resources.



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