Relationships and behaviour in schools: national action plan 2024 to 2027

This joint action plan draws together the actions that will be taken between 2024 and 2027 in response to the evidence from the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research 2023.

Theme 8: Policy cohesion

Action 20: Ensure alignment with existing cross-government policy commitments that seek to support children and young people to reach their full potential.

Key deliverables (how the actions will be supported and implemented)

During phase 1:

  • Review the membership and terms of reference of SAGRABIS to ensure the composition represents the multi-agency nature of the response required.

In all phases:

  • Work closely with the Gender Equality Taskforce on Education and Learning to ensure the taskforce and behaviour in schools ambitions align.
  • Continue to engage with implementation of the Violence Prevention Framework and Equally Safe Strategy to identify actions of mutual interest.
  • Engage with the Additional Support for Learning Project Board to raise awareness of this joint action plan and, where appropriate, incorporate actions into their delivery of the ASL Action Plan.
  • Coordinate with relevant early years strategies, including the play strategy and early child development transformational change programme.
  • Work with a wide range of anti-racism organisations to further strengthen resources and approaches to prevent and respond to racist incidents through the Anti-Racism in Education Programme.
  • Consider and respond to the educational needs of looked after children and young people by implementing the Promise in education framework to ensure looked after children and young people are appropriately supported to engage and thrive in education.
  • Provide guidance to schools on how to prevent and respond to behaviours grounded in prejudice.



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