
Relationships and behaviour in schools: national action plan 2024 to 2027

This joint action plan draws together the actions that will be taken between 2024 and 2027 in response to the evidence from the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research 2023.

Annex A

The following organisations have committed to working in partnership to develop and deliver the actions set out in the action plan:

The Scottish Government

There are a number of key policies that underpin Scottish education – the Scottish Government is responsible for national policies and guidance, including national policies such as relationships and behaviours in schools.

The Scottish Government will work jointly with local government, through COSLA and its professional networks, to develop and implement the action plan and therefore the plan will be jointly owned between the Scottish Government and COSLA. This will require continued engagement with partners to ensure the actions are meaningful and deliverable.


COSLA is the national membership organisation for Scottish Local Government. Comprising all of Scotland’s 32 councils, COSLA sets the strategic direction for Local Government to best deliver for Scotland’s communities. COSLA engages with governments on councils’ behalf on policy, funding and legislation. COSLA will jointly own the action plan with the Scottish Government and therefore will have an integral role in the oversight of the associated actions.

The Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools

The Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS) provides advice to local and national government on behaviour and relationships in schools. The group is chaired jointly by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills and COSLA’s Spokesperson for Children and Young People.

SAGRABIS will have oversight of the action plan and will monitor progress against the actions set out, providing challenge and support.

Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)

ADES is an independent professional network for leaders and managers in education and children's services.

ADES Is a key delivery partner of some actions within in the action plan, including through working in partnership with local and national government, Education Scotland, COSLA and other relevant agencies.

Education Scotland

Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency responsible for supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education.

Education Scotland supports the career-long professional learning for all practitioners across the education system and will therefore have an interest, and likely a leading role, in the actions within the action plan which focus on professional learning and development.

Local authorities

The provision of education in Scotland is the responsibility of local authorities who have a statutory responsibility to ensure that there is adequate and efficient provision of school education in their area. In Scotland, 32 Education Authorities are responsible for ensuring that statutory requirements are met and for taking forward nationally agreed policies and guidelines.

Local authorities will be responsible for implementing the action plan at a local level which will involve strategic planning and partnerships with their local schools.


Schools will be responsible for implementing the action plan at a local level using a whole-school approach which will require collaboration with their school community and support from their local authority.

Trade Unions

Unions represent the voice of their members to help influence and shape education policies, ensuring the profession is considered during policy development and implementation.

Parents and Carers

The relationship between schools and parents and carers is integral to establishing a broader culture and ethos that supports positive relationships and behaviours.

Parents will have an important role in helping inform the development of local policies, and working with schools to support relationship and behaviour policies.

Children and Young People

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 places duties on public authorities which include taking into account the views of the child or young person. Therefore, children and young people should play an integral role in shaping the local policies on relationships and behaviour that will affect them.

Educational Psychologists

Educational Psychologists provide support on relationships and behaviour, at a school and local authority level, based on their five core functions of consultation, assessment, intervention, training and research & policy development. The Association of Principal Educational Psychologists will continue to contribute to the work of SAGRABIS.

Speech and Language Therapists

Speech and Language Therapists aim to improve outcomes for children with communication and swallowing needs. They support improved communication and behaviour by facilitating a whole systems approach that is based on quality provisions at a Universal, Targeted and Individualised level and across the five strands of Intervention, Environment, Family Support, Identification and Workforce. The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists represents speech and language therapists working in educational and community settings across Scotland.

Third sector and other statutory partners

Addressing some of the behaviours and challenges seen in schools is a society-wide concern that will require a multi-agency approach. Organisations in areas such as health, justice and the third sector will therefore have a role in supporting or delivering some of the actions identified within the plan.



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