
Relationships and behaviour in schools: national action plan 2024 to 2027

This joint action plan draws together the actions that will be taken between 2024 and 2027 in response to the evidence from the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research 2023.

Reviewing progress

The actions within this plan form the initial response to the current evidence on relationships and behaviour in schools. It is accepted that given the nature and timing of some of the interventions, evidencing impact may take longer to deliver than the lifespan of the plan. Successful implementation of some actions, such as improved reporting, recording and monitoring of incidents, may initially lead to an increase in recorded incidents.

This plan, therefore, should be viewed as the first stage in a longer-term commitment to ensuring improved relationships and behaviour in schools and a decrease in disruptive, violent and abusive behaviours. By its nature, this action plan should be regarded as a live document, the actions of which may require to be adjusted or reprioritised in response to emerging circumstances. Critical to this will be ongoing monitoring and review of the plan by SAGRABIS. The sixth wave of the BISSR, scheduled for publication towards the end of the plan, will act as a formal mechanism through which progress will be monitored, with escalating and emerging issues identified. To ensure appropriate agility, there will be regular consideration of delivery against the plan at SAGRABIS meetings, with ongoing insights provided by SAGRABIS members.

The Scottish Government and COSLA will jointly publish an annual progress report, at the conclusion of each phase of delivery, summarising the key actions taken to deliver the action plan.



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