
National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation minutes: March 2021

Minutes from the meeting of the National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation group meeting held on 24 March 2021.

Attendees and apologies

  • Carolyn McDonald (Chair) (CM), SG – Chief Nursing Officer’s Directorate
  • Marianne Hayward (MH), Head of Health and Social Care, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, and representative for HSCP Chief Officers Group
  • Bette Locke (BL), SG – Chief Nursing Officer’s Directorate and Clinical Priorities Policy
  • Susan Wallace (SW) SG – Clinical Priorities Policy
  • Bryony Murray (BM) SG – Clinical Priorities Policy
  • Belinda Robertson (BR) Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Emma Stirling (ES) Allied Health Professions Directors (Scotland) Group
  • Dr Angela Gall (AG) British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Lisa Powell (LP) Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
  • Sara Redmond (SR) Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
  • Dr Nadine Cossette (NC) Liaison psychiatrist, NHS Lothian
  • Laurie Eyles (LE) SG – Health Improvement Policy
  • Jan Beattie (JB) SG – Chief Nursing Officer and Primary Care Directorate
  • Dr Jacques Kerr (JK) Senior Medical Officer, Unscheduled Care National Programme, Scottish Government
  • Martyn Shenstone (MS) Project Manager – Rehabilitation Framework
  • Supratim Mukherjee (SM) Head of Communications (attended as guest speaker)
  • Jemma McGuffie (JM) SG – Joint Secretariat
  • Leah Crawford (LC) SG – Joint Secretariat


  • Phil Mackie (PM), Public Health Scotland
  • Dr Tara Quasim (TQ), Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesia and Critical
  • Professor Alex McMahon (AM), Scottish Executive Nurse Directors
  • Melanie Weldon (MW), SG – Health Inequalities Policy
  • Caroline Deane (CD), Workforce lead, Scottish Care
  • Dr Malcolm Daniel (MD), Quality Improvement Fellow, Medical Lead for Quality Improvement, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Dr Alastair Cook (AC), Principal Medical Officer for Mental Health, Scottish Government
  • Dr Michelle Watts (MW), Senior Medical Adviser, Primary Care, Scottish Government

Items and actions

Welcome, introduction and apologies (Carolyn McDonald)

CM welcomed all members. CM introduced LC as new Secretariat and SM as guest speaker. CM invited Board members to provide their views on how the Rehab programme is going from their own area perspective, and think about this throughout the duration of the meeting and to be discussed at the end.

Minutes of previous meeting 

The Board confirmed that the minutes reflected an accurate record of the last meeting in February 2021. Ongoing actions will be covered as part of this agenda.

Action on publication of minutes 

CM referenced item two on the action plan – publishing finalised minutes. JM confirmed these should be ready to go by end of this month.

Rehabilitation guide for care homes

JB confirmed that initial piece of work around rehabilitation guide for care homes is still in progress. Waiting on approval from Cabinet Secretary before providing more information on next steps.

Appointing a vice chair (Carolyn McDonald)

CM raised action of finding a Vice Chair from last meeting. BL suggested MH would be a good fit for the role. MH agreed she would be happy to take this position. Board accepted the recommendation of Marianne to become vice chair.

CM referred to item 12 of action plan around engaging with the relevant team to highlight issue raised by TQ. SW confirmed this is still in progress and she will pick this up with TQ.

NABR March actions
•    Add point to next month’s agenda on Care Home work when we have a response from Cabinet Secretary
•    Offline discussion between CM and MH regarding Vice Chair position
•    SW to liaise with TQ regarding issue she raised at NABR meeting in February

Work plan & principles (Byrony Murray / Bette Locke)

Feedback from members

BL reminded everyone of the feedback requested at last meeting, and thanked everyone for their input. BM advised general consensus is that everyone is happy with the document, and that it is a starting point rather than a finished product. 
BM referred to the principles, and advised the final decision made was that ‘person-centeredness’ is implied throughout all principles. BM referred to ‘equitable access’ and the discussion around this. Advised we will keep ‘easy’.
CM thanked the Board for their input, and reminded members that the Scottish Government is not rewriting the recovery and rehabilitation framework. CM advised that ‘person-centeredness’ is throughout the document itself. 

Work plan and principles approved by board

Self-assessment tool

BM referred to the three-horizons methodology touched on at prior meeting. BM referred to the questionnaire, and advised they would ideally like contributions from a range of professional groups (OT, physiotherapy, speech & language etc.) BM advised that this will help us to identify gaps and help us address where we need to provide support within future work streams.

Feedback from presentation

MH raised the point of social care, and advised we should put this out to health boards and also to health and social care partnerships to ensure we get a broader response.MH advised we should be more broad in our approach – rehab covers a wide range. 
LE shared her experience in this field and advised that some boards provided a more comprehensive response than others – this was a big challenge. 
LE suggested Microsoft Forms may be the most useful format. Point also made about recommending to boards that they involve someone with lived experience. 
SR suggested dedicating an area of the form to asking what evidence was used to provide feedback on the form. CM suggested BM and SR having a conversation about this offline. 
ES raised a question regarding what support would boards have to complete the questionnaire as many are already at capacity.
LE suggested the idea of a few national workshops facilitated by the Scottish Government.
BL referred to remobilisation plans and advised that she feels we have not yet captured what boards are looking for, and suggested a separate piece of work is done on this. 
MH and ES advised they would be happy to trial the questionnaire in their area first.

Project management approach (Martyn Shenstone)

Project management discussion deferred to next month’s meeting.

Communications approach for promoting the delivery work of the recovery and rehabilitation framework (Supratim Mukherjee)

SM raised importance of audience segmentation – defining the audience and ensure we are communicating to the right people in the right way. 
SM advised that rehabilitation project needs to have an inside-out approach. We must determine key messages, and how we bring these to light.
BL suggested at the end of board meetings we identify the key messages we want to communicate to the people they represent. 
SM suggested internal communications within the board in the form of a progress report/newsletter.

Summary and reflections (Carolyn McDonald)

MH addressed an unmet need on mutual aid – advised we have patches where we are not supporting one another in terms of expertise. 
BR advised her view is that our contribution is how we join everything together and make the links easier. BR also advised we must be mindful of digital poverty and the importance of simple formats such as leaflets.

AOCB & next steps (Carolyn McDonald)

Offline discussions to be had regarding content of this meeting in preparation for next month.

Date and time of next meeting: 21 April, 11-12:30

NABR actions




RAG status


Add point to next month’s agenda around rehabilitation guide for care homes





CM and MH to discuss Vice Chair position

Secretariat to set up meeting between Carolyn McDonald & Marianne Hayward





Discussion between BM and SR regarding adding evidence section to questionnaire

Secretariat to set up meeting between Bryony Murray and Sara Redmond


To be discussed during meeting on 15 April 2021


Add to next agenda a segment for ‘key points’ to take away from meeting




NABR follow up meetings




Further engagement with SG team around issue raised by Tara Quasim.

For reference this was: It was noted that TQ highlighted to the Board that at present within healthcare they have access to healthcare records but no access to social care records and that to enable the patient to be treated with a holistic approach these two areas (primary care and social care) need to be interlinked.


CM advised that this issue would not be covered by the delivery work of the Recovery and Rehabilitation Framework however a conversation would be picked up with the relevant policy team to look at addressing this issue.

Susan Wallace

The Chair advised that this issue would not be covered by the delivery work of the Recovery and Rehabilitation Framework


Look at separate piece of work regarding the Rehabilitation Plans as suggested by BL

Rehabilitation Policy Team



Facilitate creation of National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation webpage and publish minutes of meetings on this page

Rehabilitation Policy Team


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