
National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation minutes: May 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation on 16 May 2022

Attendees and apologies


  • Carolyn McDonald (Chair), Scottish Government, Chief Nursing Officer’s Directorate
  • Bette Locke, Scottish Government, Chief Nursing Officer’s Directorate and Clinical Priorities Policy
  • Lois Lobban, Scottish Government, Clinical Priorities Senior Policy Manager
  • Phil Mackie, NHS Grampian
  • Emma Stirling, Allied Health Professions Directors (Scotland)
  • Dr Angela Gall, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Sara Redmond, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the Alliance), Chief Officer of Development
  • Caroline Dean, Scottish Care, Workforce Lead
  • Nadine Cossette, NHS Lothian, Liaison psychiatrist
  • Connie Murray, Healthcare Improvement Scotland (for Belinda Robertson)           
  • Susan Wallace, Scottish Government, Clinical Priorities Policy Unit Head  
  • Eilidh Carmichael, Scottish Government, Clinical Priorities Policy Manager, Secretariat
  • Alastair Hendry, Scottish Government, Clinical Priorities Policy Officer, Secretariat

In attendance

  • Kieran Johnstone, Shadowing Phil Mackie


  • Laurie Eyles, Scottish Government, Health Improvement Policy
  • Dr Tara Quasim, Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesia and Critical
  • Dr Alastair Cook, Scottish Government, Principal Medical Officer for Mental Health
  • Dr Malcolm Daniel, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Quality Improvement Fellow, Medical Lead for Quality Improvement
  • Marianne Hayward, Vice Chair, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Chief Officers Group
  • Belinda Robertson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions - Carolyn McDonald

Carolyn welcomed those in attendance to the meeting. 

Phil introduced Kieran Johnstone who is a junior doctor and is currently shadowing him.

Carolyn welcomed Connie Murray from Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Alastair Hendry from Scottish Government.

Carolyn thanked Leah Crawford from Sottish Government for all of the hard work she has put into supporting the board over the past year and for her contribution as outgoing secretariat.

Minutes of the previous meeting - Carolyn McDonald 

Carolyn asked attendees to send any comments concerning the minutes of the previous meeting to the Clinical Priorities box by the close of play on 16 May.

Once for Scotland Paper  - Bette Locke and Lois Lobban

Carolyn highlighted that the Once for Scotland approach paper will be launched shortly. 

Lois and Bette gave a presentation providing an update on the programme of work. 

Carolyn asked attendees if they wished to comment on what they had heard.

Emma said that it would be good to see the latest version of the approach document.

Phil was interested in how the approach document would reflect the balance between universal approaches to rehabilitation and specialist/targeted ones. He also wanted clarity on whether feedback for the approach document would be sought.

Angela asked would wider feedback from stakeholders be considered. Carolyn highlighted the crucial role the board played in facilitating feedback from their representative organisations.

Bette addressed the initial point from Phil and stated that the six principles outlined in the approach document are the key strategies where rehabilitation teams can benchmark their service and that local teams will implement this to fit the specific needs of their service.

Sara felt that local implementation is important. She felt it was important to monitor gaps in local services. Sara felt that some consideration should be given to the public message given out with regards to the approach paper and what members of the public might expect from a rehabilitation service.

Bette responded that these issues would be addressed in the implementation phase.

Susan thanked Bette, Lois and Eilidh for the hard work that they had put into the approach document to get it where it is today.

NHS Event Update - Eilidh Carmichael

Eilidh confirmed the rehabilitation session at the NHS event on 21 and 22 June 2022.

There will be two parallel sessions with regards to the launch titled “Integrated, Innovative and Ambitious Rehabilitation in a post COVID Era” that will run on Tuesday 21 June pm and Wednesday 22 June am in partnership with Health and Social Care Alliance, High Life Highland Leisure Trust and NHS Grampian.

Restructure and future role of the National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation - Lois Lobban

Lois proposed that this would be a good point to stand down the board in its current form now that there is a move from an advisory phase into an implementation one in relation to the Framework for Rehabilitation.

Carolyn invited feedback on this.

Phil stated that he saw the logic in the board coming to an end. He asked for clarity in terms of the governance of the next phase.

Emma wanted to know what the expectations would be for members of the new groups in terms of roles and responsibilities.

Carolyn welcomed these comments and invited members to submit written feedback.

Carolyn stated that it was the intention for this to be the last NABR meeting and again welcomed comments from those at the meeting and those who are on the board, but are not in attendance.

Aocb - Carolyn McDonald

Susan highlighted that there will be a Long COVID debate in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday, 19 May. Ministers will be announcing the first phase of the Long COVID support fund.

Carolyn thanked everyone on the board for their contribution over the last two years. The input from members of the board, their teams and stakeholders in terms of comments and support to the rehab policy team has been hugely appreciated. The board has helped to join up policy, practice, the third sector and the NHS. Links have been formed with primary care, mental health policy and practice as well as health inequalities. Hard work was put into launching the self-assessment tools that were piloted then distributed among public and third sector practitioners in response to the Framework. This work has informed the development of the Once for Scotland paper that will be launched at the NHS Conference in Aberdeen on 21 June. 

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