
National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions minutes: July 2019

Minutes from the Committee meeting on 31 July 2019.

Attendees and apologies


Dr Richard Davenport  (Chair) (RD), National Clinical Lead/ NHS Lothian
Becky Duff (BD), Neurological Alliance of Scotland – rep 1
Dr Jenny Preston (JP), NHS Ayrshire and Arran / IJBs 
Tanith Muller (TM), Neurological Alliance of Scotland– rep 2
Anita Stewart (AS), SG – Clinical Priorities Policy
Gerard Gahagan (GG), SG – Clinical Priorities Policy 
Angela Dixon (AD), SG – Modern Outpatients Programme
Jean Alexander (JA), SG – Augmented Assisted Communication 

Attending by telephone conference

Dr Callum Duncan (CD), Consultant Neurologist/NHS Grampian


Stephanie Fraser (Deputy Chair) (SF), Bobath Scotland 
Susan Walker (Deputy Chair) (SW), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Debbie Sagar (DS), SG - Augmented Assisted Communication

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies


RD welcomed and introduced Angela Dixon, an Improvement Advisor in the Modern OutPatient Programme.

Apologies were noted as above.     

Review of previous minutes and actions 


The Committee reviewed the minutes of its meeting on 9 May 2019 and the resulting actions. The minutes were ratified by the Committee – noting that actions were either complete or tabled for discussion on the agenda.     

National Action Plan on Neurological Conditions (NAPNC)

(Chair/Gerard Gahagan/Anita Stewart)

RD welcomed GG to the Committee in his new role as National Implementation Lead for the NAPNC. 

GG gave a general progress overview of activities to finalise and commence implementation of the NAPNC – with the ministerial launch being pencilled in for 6 November. 

Extensive engagement is underway between the Clinical Priorities policy team and relevant policy areas/programmes across the Scottish Government to take account of policy developments and consultation responses. This is a large exercise that is also helping to ensure there is widespread investment in delivering and shaping the phasing of the five year plan. 

GG also advised the connections he is making with partners such as Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), Information Services Division (ISD), NHS Boards and Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), with regional visits planned to meet service providers and organisations in coming months. This outreach work will also include further consultation with partners where there has been no contact previously, for example with Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA). The discussions with ISD have been helpful to map the various work underway that could support delivery of the Plan (commitment 12). 

AS confirmed an invitation has been extended to present to the Chief Officers’ Executive meeting at the end of September, which provides a chance to discuss the Plan’s implementation and source a suitable HSCP representative for the Committee. 

A draft consultation report produced by WHY Research was shared with the Committee prior to the meeting. This report summarises that the majority of respondents support the Plan’s vision and commitments. 

AS informed the Committee that the consultation report will be published as a standalone document. When the final version of the Plan is published, the Scottish Government will also publish a statement ‘We asked, You Said, We Did’ to summarise how the feedback has been acted upon.  

It was approved by the NACNC that Stephanie Fraser would represent the Committee in regards to the ISD work. 

The supportive and principal to assisting NHS Inform in their neurological workstreams and NACNC felt it would be beneficial to understand other areas of work and expectations. 

The support and continued development in relation to self-assessment and evaluation of HIS standards but uncertainty to how this would develop.     

Scottish Access Collaborative (SAC) – report sign off and implementation 

(Chair/Angela Dixon)

AD presented the report, noting that it has now been endorsed by the SAC Programme Board. AD commented that she will be working closely with the SAC Clinical Lead (RD) and GG/AS to align implementation of the report with the NAPNC.     

Augmented Assisted Communication (AAC)

(Jean Alexander)

JA updated the Committee on work the policy team is undertaking to assist NHS Boards to comply with the duty that commenced in March 2018. This is focusing on how Boards can use data to ensure they are identifying the population that could benefit from AAC and acting to ensure these people are aware of their rights and have access to the equipment (and relevant training).

The Committee welcomed the opportunity to consider and contribute to this agenda, recognising that AAC is crucial for some people living with neurological conditions.    Jean Alexander

Next steps and summary of agreed actions 

(Chair/ all) 

See action tracker  



No items were raised     

Action tracker

Ref. Action from meeting on 31 July 2019 Responsible Status
1 Comment on the draft consultation report by 9 August, in particular whether the use of terminology was in line with the subject matter All  
2 To share a draft implementation plan in due course, setting out the items she will lead on, for the Committee’s feedback Angela Dixon  
3 To send advice and feedback on Jean Alexander’s paper by 16 August All  


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