
National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions minutes: November 2019

Minutes from the Committee meeting on 13 November 2019.

Attendees and apologies

  • Stephanie Fraser (Chair)(SF), Bobath Scotland
  • Susan Walker (Deputy Chair)(SW),NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Dr Jenny Preston (Deputy Chair)(JP),NHS Ayrshire and Arran 
  • Dr Richard Davenport (RD),National Clinical Lead/ NHS Lothian
  • Tanith Muller (TM), Neurological Alliance of Scotland 
  • Anita Stewart (AS), SG – Clinical Priorities Policy
  • Gerard Gahagan (GG), SG – Clinical Priorities Policy
  • Jemma McGuffie (JM), SG – Clinical Priorities Policy 
  • Jamie Cochrane (JC), SG – Modernising Patient Pathways Programme


  • Becky Duff (BD), Neurological Alliance of Scotland
  • Dr Callum Duncan (CD), Consultant Neurologist/ NHS Grampian

Items and actions

1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

SF thanked RD for his time as Chair and welcomed JP as the new co Deputy Chair. SF also welcomed and introduced Jamie Cochrane, an Improvement Advisor in the Modernising Patient Pathways Programme who also supports the work for the Scottish Access Collaborative.  Apologies were noted as above. 

2. NACNC Terms of Reference (ToR) and membership, and Declaration of Interests

The Committee reviewed the ToR that had been revised in May 2019 to consider how the remit of the NACNC might align to new operational groups convened to deliver the Neurological Framework. GG provided a draft proposal showing the potential structure of these different groups and NACNC’s related role. Members provided helpful suggestions to inform development of these groups and, with minor amendments, agreed the ToR of NACNC. SG agreed to revise the group structure and to consider how the ToR for these new groups could include clarification about the process to consult with NACNC prior to making key decisions.  

3. Neuro Framework 

AS informed the Group that the launch of the Framework will take place after the UK general election and by the end of 2019. It is likely to be between 16-19 December, although confirmation of the specific date is awaited.     

While it was acknowledged that the launch may have a lower turnout in the run up to the Christmas holidays the Committee agreed the preference was to publish and launch the Framework asap.  Linda Pollock, Deputy Director of Planning and Quality Division, is the senior responsible officer for implementation of the Neurological Framework.

The Committee discussed a request received from the First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) enquiring whether NACNC applies a gender focus to its advice to SG. AS suggested NACNC highlights the Equality Impact Assessment completed for the development of the Neurological Framework, which will be reviewed regularly throughout implementation, and the recent application to create a series of Atlas of Variation maps for neurology that might be able to include different filters including gender. The Committee indicated it was content with this approach.  It was also suggested that the EQIA should be reviewed/updated once the initial priorities action plan has been developed/agreed.

4. Scottish Access Collaborative (SAC)/ Waiting Times Improvement Plan

JC provided an update on steps to implement recommendations set out in the SAC report, which was published in July and the specific notification that was sent to Health Board Chief Executives.  Modernising Patient Pathways Programme (MPPP) is leading on some of the actions from the report. SG recently carried out an exercise to establish the use of Active Clinical Referral Triage (ACRT) or similar in eight specialties (including neurology) across Health boards. JC asked NACNC if a workshop to explore ACRT with clinical teams in the next year would be helpful. The workshop would also consider pathways, innovative models in development across Scotland including Patient Initiated Review (PIR) and the interface with primary care (information to and from GPs). JC confirmed that MPPP will consider lived experience and third sector input and articulate the process for incorporating this. NACNC felt this approach would be beneficial.

5. Data

SF, AS and GG will meet SG research analyst in December to discuss Framework’s data commitment. 

GG presented the Scottish Atlas of  Variation proposal that has been submitted to ISD; it meets the prioritisation criteria and has been well received. 

6. Actions 

  1. NACNC to invite Gordon Frame to deliver presentation on neurology waiting times at next meeting in February
  2. AS/GG to consider NACNC’s suggestions and refine organogram of Framework operational groups and NACNC’s related role
  3. NACNC to complete and sign revised DoI and return to JM by COP Friday 22 November
  4. JC to share his proposal for the ACRT workshop with RD and to circulate to NACNC for comment


No items were raised. 

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