
National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions: terms of reference

Terms of reference of the National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions.

The role and remit of NACNC is to

  • provide expert advice on delivery of Neurological Care and Support: A Framework for action 2020 to 2025 (‘The Framework’), offer views on Scottish Government (SG) strategic decisions relating to the Framework and suggest implementation approaches
  • contribute to evaluation of the Framework, progress and outcomes
  • advise SG Health and Social Care Directorates on issues relating to neurological conditions across Scotland and on related national policies and strategies
  • promote sharing of best practice and ensure appropriate links with the wider neurological community
  • provide oversight, support and expert advice to the work undertaken by the sub-groups of the NACNC, the Redesign Project Group


Current national strategies (including Realistic Medicine, National Care Service, Recovery and Rehabilitation Framework, Modernising Patient Pathways, and Healthcare Improvement Scotland standards) set the wider context of government policy on neurological conditions.

NACNC is a small and focused group comprised of representatives of the following professional groups or communities: Integrated Authorities, NHS Boards, research, third sector, tertiary care, primary care, and social care.

  • Chair
  • Deputy Chair #1
  • Deputy Chair #2
  • Centre for Sustainable Delivery – neuro cohort representative
  • Consultant Neurologist #1
  • Consultant Neurologist #2
  • HSCP Chief Officer Group representative
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist representative
  • lead nurse representative
  • Neurological Alliance (3rd sector) #1
  • Neurological Alliance (3rd sector) #2
  • Social Care Representative
  • Primary Care Representative
  • neuropsychology representative
  • AHP representative
  • service management representative
  • research representative
  • Scottish Government secretariat and officials as required to present and update on framework progress

The Redesign Project Group is a sub group of the NACNC. The group leads the delivery of priorities for Aims D and E of the Framework.

The lead SG sponsor of NACNC is the Clinical Priorities Unit and is responsible for the delivery and implementation of the Neurological Care and Support Framework.


NACNC is an integral component in the programme to improve neurological care and support across Scotland. Members are invited as representatives of their profession, organisation or network rather than as an individual unless otherwise stated. A crucial aspect of membership will be the commitment to consult with their professional groups, networks and other stakeholders as appropriate to facilitate effective, open and two-way communication between NACNC and the SG.

The Neurological Alliance of Scotland will ensure the gathering and input to the NACNC of the views of people with lived experience of neurological conditions, as well as third sector organisations.

Meetings are held quarterly (with extraordinary meetings called as required). Meetings are currently held virtually on MS Teams with in person or hybrid meetings to be considered when possible.

In between meetings where it is collectively felt helpful to progress items in a timely manner, business will also be undertaken by email and MS Teams.

There is an expectation that NACNC members will attend all quarterly meetings. Where the absence of a member is unavoidable, apologies and comments on papers are expected to be submitted to the secretariat in advance. If a member has not attended three consecutive quarterly meetings, the NACNC Executive and SG will review with that member ongoing involvement with the committee.

Individuals may be invited onto the group as necessary to examine/consider specific issues either on a short term or permanent basis, depending on the circumstances. Such invitations or appointments will be discussed and approved by NACNC Executive and SG.

Members are asked to inform the NACNC secretariat of any changes in circumstances e.g. contact details, employment details etc.

All members must make a full declaration of interests. If a member is uncertain as to whether or not an interest should be declared, s/he must seek guidance from the secretariat. The NACNC secretariat will maintain a central register of all interests declared.


Where a vacancy arises, a new member will be identified either through nomination by an existing member of NACNC or, where this is not possible, by seeking nominations through the relevant professional network.

Where there is more than one nomination to fill a vacancy nominees will be asked to provide a supporting statement of no more than one page, highlighting their skills and suitability for sitting on NACNC.

An initial meeting between a nominee and the NACNC Executive will be held prior to confirming membership. As well as meeting the NACNC Executive, prospective Committee members ‘should meet with a Scottish Government official, the Head of the Clinical Priorities Unit or other nominated official.

NACNC Executive

The NACNC executive comprises the Chair, two Deputy Chairs and SG Policy Lead. The Chair and Deputy Chairs are appointed by SG for a period of two years after which their position/s will be reviewed and updated as appropriate.


On the rare occasions where a matter is discussed in the NACNC in confidence, members are expected to maintain confidentiality until the group approves disclosure.

If an issue arises for discussion and a member is concerned about a matter which could regarded as affecting their impartiality and this matter has not already been declared, they must raise this with the Chair in advance of the meeting if possible. The chair is responsible for taking the decision on how declared interests should be handled.

Members of the Committee are asked to work in accordance with the Role Profile that has been included as appendix 1. Concerns on behaviour or other issues should be raise in confidence with the Chair and the Secretariat.

Meeting arrangements

The SG Clinical Priorities Team will provide secretariat support to meetings.

Secretariat will distribute agenda and papers electronically at least seven days in advance of meetings.

Draft minutes are cleared electronically by NACNC within 28 days of meetings and published on the Scottish Government website.


The member’s employing organisation is expected to cover the costs of travel and other expenses associated with participation on NACNC.

In the event where this is not possible specific requests for expenses should be directed to the SG.


These Terms of Reference will be reviewed every two years, the next review date being March 2024, unless NACNC/SG consider it appropriate to adjust beforehand.

Clinical Priorities Team

Scottish Government.

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