
National Audiology Review Group minutes: May 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 3 May 2022.

Attendees and apologies

  • Jacqueline Taylor (Chair)
  • Angela Bonomy, Sense Scotland
  • Adrian Carragher, Scottish Heads of Audiology Group (HoA)
  • Jim Harrigan, Scottish Heads of Audiology Group
  • Catriona Johnson, National Services Scotland, National Services Division (NSS NSD)
  • David Steel, National Services Scotland, National Services Division
  • Derek Hoare (acting Deputy), British Society of Audiology (BSA)
  • Kathryn Lewis, British Academy of Audiology (BAA)
  • John Marshall, Ears, Nose and Throat Clinical Lead, Scottish Government
  • Robert Farley, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Samantha Lear, National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS)
  • Roseanne McDonald, National Services Scotland, National Services Division
  • Sandra McDougall, Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS)
  • Claudine Duff, Official Observer - Scottish Government
  • Esther Black, Official Observer - Scottish Government
  • Raveena Sajjan, Review Secretariat Team Lead - Scottish Government
  • Abigail Parkin, Review Secretariat - Scottish Government
  • Laura Sweeney, Review Secretariat - Scottish Government


  • Catherine Ross, Chief Healthcare Science Officer, Scottish Government
  • Donna Corrigan, British Society of Audiology (deputy present)

Items and actions

This note provides an overview of the key discussion and action points from the first meeting of the National audiology review group (“the review group”). This meeting focused on the introduction of members and discussion on how the review group undertake the review by discussing the draft terms of reference.

The review group secretariat shared a background paper, draft terms of reference (tor) and declaration of interest (doi) form in advance of the meeting.

Welcome and introductions

The chair welcomed everyone and invited all other members of the review group to introduce themselves and the organisations they represent. The chair commented on the wealth of different clinical, audiology and leadership experience all members present bring to take forward the Independent review of audiology. 

The chair introduced the background paper provided to the review group in advance of the meeting and invited colleagues to comment on the paper. This paper was shared to provide some context to the work and audiology sector in Scotland. Adrian Carragher commented that this paper summarised audiology in Scotland well and one to two amends were suggested. Angela Bonomy highlighted the need to include the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Programme too.

Action: Review secretariat team to take suggested amends to finalise new copy of the background paper.

Terms of reference

The chair initiated discussion on the draft terms of reference provided by the review secretariat team.

The review group agreed that agreeing the terms of reference is a vital part of the review process as it sets out the scope and expectations for the review outputs.

There was a discussion around what was in and out of scope, the current landscape in Scotland and how it was necessary for the work of the review group to be aware of where work was already underway in the Scottish Government in order to avoid duplication. This included considering the data that is already readable available. In particular the review group discussed the terms of reference needed to clearly outline its scope around education and training given that a piece of work is already underway across the healthcare science profession which includes audiologists. It was also recognised that there is wider work underway around a community audiology manifesto commitment and it was important for the review group to be aware of linkage.

The review group also agreed that this review was not looking at individual experiences but the service as a whole and as a part of a whole system. It was also recognised that the work of the review arose out of an independent review in NHS Lothian and initial concerns in a specific board area. It was necessary for the review group to be clear on delivering on the ask from the Cabinet Secretary of Health and Social Care around assurance of the service provision in Scotland.

Action: Review group members invited to provide comments on terms of reference after the meeting to the review secretariat by 09 May 2022. Updated to 11 May 2022.

Declaration of interest

The chair introduced this item by outlining the importance of all members and their deputies to declare all conflicts of interests in advance and as the review progresses, when and where these may change. All members agreed the drafted declaration of interest form was clear for completion.

Action: Review Group members and their nominated deputies are to complete and return the declaration of interest form to the review secretariat team by 09 May 2022. Updated to 11 May 2022.

Reference group

The chair informed review group members of the intention to develop a reference group which will play a role in ensuring the views of stakeholders are well understood and included in the work of the review. The chair also confirmed she has asked Angela Bonomy, Chief Executive of Sense Scotland to chair the reference group and as the workings of this reference group are developed, an update will be shared.

Action: Angela Bonomy to meet with the chair to discuss next steps for the reference group.

Moving forward and collaboration

The review group considered the best way to communicate and agreed it would be best to make use of MS Teams for sharing of papers.

The review group discussed how future meetings would proceed. It was agreed that once terms of reference had been finalised, this would likely shape and confirm the formation of subgroups which would support the key areas of work.

Action: Review secretariat team to consider how MS Teams can be utilised for sharing of papers and communication.

Any other business

It was agreed the second meeting of the review group would take place towards the end of June and there will be a need to be cognisant of the summer holiday period and the NHS Scotland Conference 2022 before agreeing a suitable date.

Action: Review secretariat team to send out a Doodle Poll to support identification of the most suitable date for the next meeting and other future meetings where possible.

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