Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC): national core pathway
Pathway for people who use AAC and for services which provide AAC.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) National Core Pathway 31 August 2018
This document should be read in conjunction with the guidance on the provision of communication equipment and support in using that equipment [1] .
The pathway is relevant to all people who would benefit from using communication equipment, regardless of age, diagnosis or location. It encompasses both low and high tech communication equipment, as described in the guidance document.
This pathway is intended as a reference guide for Health Boards and all services who in partnership across Health, Education [2] , Social Care and third sector deliver the provision of communication equipment and support in using that equipment. Local services will have their own local AAC pathway.
This pathway outlines the core elements that a person who uses communication equipment and support will experience and allows flexibility for adaptation according to local policies and procedures. Processes for procurement of equipment, the roles involved and how to address any issues should be outlined in local AAC pathways to ensure provision is as timely as possible.

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