National autism post-diagnostic support service - pilot programme: evaluation
An independent evaluation of national post diagnostic support pilot programme which began in December 2020.
Confidential consolidated report of survey responses (redacted)
The survey went 'live' on February 15th 2021 and remained open until July 14th 2021. There were 149 responses.
Respondents came from the Health Board regions across Scotland, with 3 respondents residing outside Scotland. Numbers (in brackets) and percentages of respondents by region are shown:
In which of the following Health Board regions do you reside?
![which of the following Health Board regions do you reside? - Ayrshire and Arran (5) 3%, Borders (1) 1%, Dumfries and Galloway (1) 1%, Fife (8) 5%, Forth Valley (13) 9%, Grampian (23) 15%, Greater Glasgow and Clyde (25) 17%, Highland (13) 9%, Lanarkshire (12) 8%, Lothian (28) 19%, Orkney (0), Shetland (1) 1%, Tayside (14) 9%, Western Isles (1) 1%, Not Sure (10) 1%, None, I reside outside Scotland (3) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g04.png)
The service or programme accessed by respondents is shown in the table below. Where respondents accessed more than one service or programme they were asked to identify the primary service or programme they had most contact with, or had most help from only.
Service or Prgramme
![who ran Service or Prgramme - responses Autism Initiatives (33) 22%, AMASE (13) 9%, ARGH (Autism Rights Group Highland) (5) 3%, National Autistic Society (24) 16%, Scottish Autism (GetSet4Autism) (25) 17%, SWAN (Scottish Women's Autism Network 20%, Triple A's/One Stop Shop Aberdeen (19) 13%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g05.png)
The majority of respondents (99, 66%) are 'An autistic person (over 16 years old)', the remaining 50 (34%) are 'A family of an autistic child (16 and under)':
Are you?
![Are you An autistic person (over 16 years) (99) 66% or A family of an autistic child (16 and under) (50) 34%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g06.png)
Respondent profile
For Individuals: Autistic person (over 16 years)
Of the 99 respondents, 72, (73%) have received a diagnosis of autism within the past three years, the remaining 27 (27%) have not.
Have you received a diagnosis of autism within the past three years?
![Have you received a diagnosis of autism within the past three years?- - Yes (72) 73%, No (27) 27%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g07.png)
The age profile of those who have received a diagnosis of autism within the past three years is as follows:
Your age when that diagnosis was made
![Your age when that diagnosis was made - 16-24 years (6) 8%, 25-35 years (14) 19%, 36-46 years (27) 38%, 47 or over (25) 35%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g08.png)
For the same cohort of 72, the profile in respect of their sex is as follows:
What is your sex?
![What is your sex? - Male (22) 31%, Female (48) 67%, Prefer not to say (2) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g09.png)
For those above, for the majority their present gender is the same as the one assigned at birth:
Is your present gender the same as the one assigned at birth?
![Is your present gender the same as the one assigned at birth? Yes (68) 94%, No (4) 6%, Prefer not to say 0](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g10.png)
Optionally respondents could 'enter in words your preferred gender identity'. The 16 responses are given with the numbers responding using that description in brackets:
Male (3)
Female (6)
Genderfluid (1)
She/her (1)
Heterosexual (1)
Non-binary (1)
Woman (1)
I am a man, then, now and forever (1)
Nonbinary woman (1)
For Families of an autistic child (16 and under)
Of the 50 respondents, 44, (88%) say their child has received a diagnosis of autism within the past three years, the remaining 6 (12%) say their child has not.
Has your child received a diagnosis of autism with the past three years?
![Has your child received a diagnosis of autism with the past three years? Yes (44) 88%, No (6) 12%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g11.png)
The age profile of the child at diagnosis is given below:
Age of your child at diagnosis
![Age of your child at diagnosis - 0-3 years (3) 7%, 4-7 years (6) 14%, 8-12 years (23) 52%, 13-16 years (12) 27%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g12.png)
Responses for Individuals: Autistic person (over 16 years)
Regarding an autism diagnosis:
It was noted above, that of the 99 respondents who are 'An autistic person (over 16 years)', 72 had received a diagnosis. Responses for these are given as follows.
Prior to diagnosis I had self-identified as autistic, as I felt I met the criteria for autism
![Prior to diagnosis I had self-identified as autistic, as I felt I met the criteria for autism - Yes (29) 40%, No (43) 60%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g13.png)
Other people suggested I go for an autism diagnosis (e.g. family, friends, professionals)
![Other people suggested I go for an autism diagnosis (e.g. family, friends, professionals) - Yes (48) 67%, No (24) 33%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g14.png)
My diagnosis of autism has been helpful to me
![My diagnosis of autism has been helpful to me - Strongly agree (49) 68%, Agree (12) 17%, Not sure (10) 14%, Disagree (1) 1%, Strongly disagree 0](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g15.png)
My diagnosis has been helpful when dealing with professionals (e.g. health and government services)
![My diagnosis has been helpful when dealing with professionals (e.g. health and government services) - Strongly Agree (21) 29%, Agree (18) 25%, Not Sure (19) 26%, Disagree (6) 8%, Strongly disagree (6) 8%, Not applicable (2) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g16.png)
My diagnosis has been helpful to me in my employment/education
![My diagnosis has been helpful to me in my employment/education - Strongly Agree (18) 25%, Agree (23) 32%, Not sure (4) 6%, Disagree (8) 11%, Strongly Disagree (4) 6%, Not applicable (15) 21%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g17.png)
Following my diagnosis, my family is more understanding of me
![Following my diagnosis, my family is more understanding of me - Strongly Agree (15) 21%, Agree (16) 22%, Not sure (19) 26%, Disagree (11) 15%, Strongly disagree (3) 4%, Not applicable (8) 11%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g18.png)
Following diagnosis I know where to go for help when I need it
![Following diagnosis I know where to go for help when I need it - Strongly agree (12) 17%, Agree (21) 29%, Not sure (20) 28%, Disagree (10) 14%, Strongly disagree (9) 13%, Not applicable 0](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g19.png)
My diagnosis has been a positive (good) experience for me
![My diagnosis has been a positive (good) experience for me - Strongly agree (29) 40%, Agree (21) 29%, Not sure (14) 19%, Disagree (3) 4%, Strongly disagree (5) 7%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g20.png)
Regarding the service/programme
The information about the service/programme was clear and accessible to me
![The information about the service/programme was clear and accessible to me - Strongly agree (28) 39%, Agree (29) 40%, Neither agree nor disagree (9) 13%, Disagree (5) 7%, Strongly disagree (1) 1%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g21.png)
I felt I was listened to by the service/programme staff
![I felt I was listened to by the service/programme staff - Strongly agree (45) 63, Agree (19) 26%, Neither agree nor disagree (5) 7%, Disagree (2) 3%, Strongly disagree (1) 1%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g22.png)
My expectations for what the service/programme would achieve were:
![My expectations for what the service/programme would achieve were - Not achieved (3) 4%, Partly achieved (24) 33%, Fully achieved (29) 40%, Exceeded (16) 22%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g23.png)
My goals for what the service/programme would achieve were
![My goals for what the service/programme would achieve were - Not achieved (4) 6%, Partly achieved (29) 40%, Fully achieved (27) 38%, Exceeded (12) 17%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g24.png)
The information about autism was relevant to me
![The information about autism was relevant to me - Strongly Agree (43) 60%, Agree (25) 35%, Not sure (2) 3%, Disagree (2) 3%, Strongly disagree 0](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g25.png)
The advice I received was clear
![The advice I received was clear - Strongly agree (33) 46%, Agree (26) 36%, Neither agree nor disagree (9) 13%, Disagree (3) 4%, Strongly disagree (1) 1%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g26.png)
I now have a connection with other autistic people
![I now have a connection with other autistic people - Strongly agree (20) 28%, Agree (28) 39%, Neither agree nor disagree (13) 18%, Disagree (4) 6%, Strongly disagree (5) 7%, Not applicable to me (2) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g27.png)
I already had a connection to autistic people, but this has increased
![I already had a connection to autistic people, but this has increased - Yes (26) 36%, No (24) 33%, Not applicable to me (22) 31%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g28.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel more confident
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel more confident - Strongly agree (14) 19%, Agree (24) 33%, Neither agree nor disagree (24) 33%, Disagree (6) 8%, Strongly disagree (4) 6%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g29.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I have a better understanding of autism
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I have a better understanding of autism - Strongly agree (39) 54%, Agree (26) 36%, Neither agree nor disagree (5) 7%, Disagree (2) 3%, Strongly disagree 0](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g30.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel less socially isolated
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel less socially isolated - Strongly agree (11) 15%, Agree (20) 28%, Neither agree nor disagree (24) 33%, Disagree (9) 13%, Strongly disagree (8) 11%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g31.png)
The service/programme gave me good information about the services and opportunities
![The service/programme gave me good information about the services and opportunities - Strongly agree (18) 25%, Agree (36) 50%, Neither agree nor disagree (8) 11%, Disagree (5) 7%, Strongly disagree (2) 3%, Not applicable (3) 4%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g32.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel less anxious
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel less anxious - Strongly agree (7) 10%, Agree (22) 31%, Neither agree nor disagree (23) 32%, Disagree (9) 13%, Strongly disagree (5) 7%, Not applicable (6) 8%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g33.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I can cope better with uncertainty
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I can cope better with uncertainty - Strongly agree (5) 7%, Agree (17) 24%, Neither agree nor disagree (29) 40%, Disagree (14) 19%, Strongly disagree (3) 4%, Not applicable (4) 6%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g34.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel my quality of life has improved
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel my quality of life has improved - Strongly agree (9) 13%, Agree (18) 25%, Neither agree nor disagree (27) 38%, Disagree (12) 17%, Strongly disagree (3) 4%, Not applicable (3) 4%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g35.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I get less stressed about things generally
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I get less stressed about things generally - Strongly agree (6) 8%, Agree (15) 21, Neither agree nor disagree (28) 39%, Disagree (14) 19%, Strongly disagree (5) 7%, Not applicable (4) 6%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g36.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel my general health has improved
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel my general health has improved - Strongly agree (4) 6%, Agree (11) 15%, Neither agree nor disagree (31) 43%, Disagree (16) 22%, Strongly disagree (3) 4%, Not applicable (7) 10%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g37.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel my mental health has improved
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel my mental health has improved - Strongly agree (11) 15%, Agree (21) 29%, Neither agree nor disagree (23) 32%, Disagree (10) 14%, Strongly disagree (4) 6%, Not applicable (3) 4%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g38.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, my sleep has improved
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, my sleep has improved - Strongly agree (2) 3%, Agree (11) 15%, Neither agree nor disagree (32) 44%, Disagree (14) 19%, Strongly disagree (5) 7%, Not applicable (8) 11%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g39.png)
The service/programme has enabled me to know and understand myself better
![The service/programme has enabled me to know and understand myself better - Strongly agree (32) 44%, Agree (31) 43%, Neither agree nor disagree (5) 7%, Disagree (1) 1%, Strongly disagree (1) 1%, Not applicable (2) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g40.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel more positive about myself (e.g. my self- esteem)
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel more positive about myself (e.g. my self- esteem) - Strongly agree (12) 17%, Agree (30) 42%, Neither agree nor disagree (18) 25%, Disagree (8) 11%, Strongly disagree (1) 1%, Not applicable (3) 4%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g41.png)
Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel confident when dealing with professionals (e.g. from health/employment, education/ government agencies)
![Since my involvement with the service/programme, I feel confident when dealing with professionals (e.g. from health/employment, education/government agencies) - Strongly agree (8) 11%, Agree (30) 42%, Neither agree nor disagree (18) 25%, Disagree (9) 13%, Strongly disagree (4) 6%, Not applicable (3) 4%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g42.png)
I recommend this service/programme to others who have received a diagnosis of autism
![I recommend this service/programme to others who have received a diagnosis of autism - Strongly agree (44) 61%, Agree (23) 32%, Not sure (4) 6%, Disagree 0, Strongly disagree 0, Prefer not to say (1) 1%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g43.png)
Responses for Families: A family of an autistic child (16 and under)
It was noted above, that of the 50 respondents who are 'A family of an autistic child (16 and under)', 44 had received a diagnosis. Responses for these are given as follows.
Regarding an autism diagnosis
Prior to diagnosis we felt our child might be autistic
![Prior to diagnosis we felt our child might be autistic - Yes (33) 75%, No (11) 25%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g44.png)
Other people suggested we get an autism diagnosis for our child (e.g. family, friends, professionals)
![Other people suggested we get an autism diagnosis for our child (e.g. family, friends, professionals) - Yes (33) 75%, No (11) 25%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g45.png)
As a family, the diagnosis of autism has been helpful to us
![As a family, the diagnosis of autism has been helpful to us - Strongly agree (28) 64%, Agree (11) 25%, Not sure (4) 9%, Disagree 0, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g46.png)
Following diagnosis our family relationships have improved
![Following diagnosis our family relationships have improved - Strongly agree (6) 14%, Agree (20) 45%, Not sure (9) 20%, Disagree (5) 11%, Strongly disagree (2) 5%, Not applicable (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g47.png)
The diagnosis has been helpful when dealing with professionals (such as health or education)
![The diagnosis has been helpful when dealing with professionals (such as health or education) - Strongly agree (23) 52%, Agree (15) 34%, Not sure (4) 9%, Disagree (1) 2%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g48.png)
Following the diagnosis, we are better able to understand our child
![Following the diagnosis, we are better able to understand our child - Strongly agree (24) 55%, Agree (16) 36%, Not sure (2) 5%, Disagree (1) 2%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g49.png)
Following diagnosis we know where to go for help when we need it
![Following diagnosis we know where to go for help when we need it - Strongly agree (6) 14%, Agree (19) 43%, Not sure (4) 9%, Disagree (9) 20%, Strongly disagree (6) 14%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g50.png)
As a family the autism diagnosis has been a positive experience for us
![As a family the autism diagnosis has been a positive experience for us - Strongly agree (10) 23%, Agree (21) 48%, Not sure (8) 18%, Disagree (4) 9%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g51.png)
Regarding the service/programme
The information about the service/programme was clear and accessible
![The information about the service/programme was clear and accessible - Strongly agree (24) 55%, Agree (14) 32%, Neither agree nor disagree (3) 7%, Disagree (2) 5%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g52.png)
As a family, we felt listened to by service/programme staff
![As a family, we felt listened to by service/programme staff - Strongly agree (32) 73%, Agree (9) 20%, Neither agree nor disagree (3) 7%, Disagree 0](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g53.png)
As a family, our expectations for what the service/programme might achieve were:
![As a family, our expectations for what the service/programme might achieve were - Not achieved (1) 2%, Partly achieved (9) 20%, Fully achieved (19) 43%, Exceeded (15) 34%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g54.png)
As a family, our goals for what the service/programme might achieve were:
![As a family, our goals for what the service/programme might achieve were - Not achieved (1) 2%, Partly achieved (11) 25%, Fully achieved (20) 45%, Exceeded (12) 27%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g55.png)
As a family we felt our concerns were understood by service/programme staff
![As a family we felt our concerns were understood by service/programme staff - Strongly agree (29) 66%, Agree (10) 23%, Not sure (3) 7%, Disagree 0, Strongly Disagree 0, Not applicable (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g56.png)
The information about autism was relevant to our child
![The information about autism was relevant to our child - Strongly agree (28) 64%, Agree (14) 32%, Neither agree nor disagree (1) 2%, Disagree 0, Strongly disagree 0, Not applicable (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g57.png)
As a family, we were confident in the advice provided
![As a family, we were confident in the advice provided - Strongly agree (26) 59%, Agree (15) 34%, Neither agree nor disagree (1) 2%, Disagree 0, Strongly disagree (1) 2%, Not applicable (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g58.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, we now have a connection with other families with an autistic child
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, we now have a connection with other families with an autistic child - Strongly agree (4) 9%, Agree (8) 18%, Neither agree nor disagree (12) 27%, Disagree (9) 20%, Strongly disagree (4) 9%, Not applicable (7) 16%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g59.png)
As a family we already had a connection to other families, but this has increased since our involvement with the service/programme
![As a family we already had a connection to other families, but this has increased since our involvement with the service/programme - Strongly agree (3) 7%, Agree (8) 18%, Neither agree nor disagree (12) 27%, Disagree (11) 25%, Strongly disagree (4) 9%, Not applicable (6) 14%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g60.png)
As a family, since our involvement with the service/programme, we feel more confident when dealing with professionals (e.g. health, social services, education)
![As a family, since our involvement with the service/programme, we feel more confident when dealing with professionals (e.g. health, social services, education) - Strongly agree (13) 30%, Agree (15) 34%, Neither agree nor disagree (9) 20%, Disagree (4) 9%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%, Not applicable (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g61.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family we feel we know more about autism
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family we feel we know more about autism - Strongly agree (21) 48%, Agree (16) 36%, Not sure (2) 5%, Disagree (3) 7%, Strongly disagree (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g62.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we know more about how autism affects our child
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we know more about how autism affects our child - Strongly agree (19) 43%, Agree (18) 41%, Not sure (2) 5%, Disagree (3) 7%, Strongly disagree (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g63.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we feel less socially isolated
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we feel less socially isolated - Strongly agree (8) 18%, Agree (17) 39%, Neither agree nor disagree (9) 20%, Disagree (4) 9%, Strongly disagree (2) 5%, Not applicable (4) 9%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g64.png)
The service/programme gave good information about the services and opportunities
![The service/programme gave good information about the services and opportunities - Strongly agree (20) 45%, Agree (16) 36%, Neither agree nor disagree (5) 11%, Disagree (2) 5%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g65.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family we are more able to cope with anxiety
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family we are more able to cope with anxiety - Strongly agree (8) 18%, Agree (22) 50%, Neither agree nor disagree (10) 23%, Disagree (3) 7%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g66.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family we feel our quality of life has improved
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family we feel our quality of life has improved - Strongly agree (8) 18%, Agree (20) 45%, Neither agree nor disagree (12) 27%, Disagree (2) 5%, Strongly disagree (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g67.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we feel less stressed about things generally
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we feel less stressed about things generally - Strongly agree (6) 14%, Agree (18) 41%, Neither agree nor disagree (13) 30, Disagree (3) 7%, Disagree (3) Strongly disagree (2) 5%, Not applicable (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g68.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we can better cope with day-to-day events
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, as a family, we can better cope with day-to-day events - Strongly agree (8) 18%, Strongly agree (8) 45%, Not sure (12) 27%, Disagree (2) 5%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%, Not applicable (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g69.png)
Since our involvement with the service/programme, we feel more positive about the future for our family and our child
![Since our involvement with the service/programme, we feel more positive about the future for our family and our child - Strongly agree (14) 32%, Agree (22) 50%, Agree (22) 14%, Disagree (1) 2%, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g70.png)
As a family, we now know where to go for help when we need it
![As a family, we now know where to go for help when we need it - Strongly agree (13) 30%, Agree (16) 36%, Not sure (11) 25%, Disagree (2) 5%, Strongly disagree (2) 5%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g71.png)
We feel we can recommend this service/programme to other families who have received a diagnosis of autism for their child
![We feel we can recommend this service/programme to other families who have received a diagnosis of autism for their child - Strongly agree (30) 68%, Agree (12) 27%, Not sure (1) 2%, Disagree 0, Strongly disagree (1) 2%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g72.png)
Responses where neither Individuals (Autistic person (over 16 years)), nor the family of an autistic child (16 and under) has received a diagnosis of autsim in the last three years
As noted above, there are 27 individuals and 6 families of an autistic child who have not received a diagnosis of autism in the last 3 years.
The information about the service/programme was clear and accessible
![The information about the service/programme was clear and accessible - Strongly agree (16) 48%, Agree (13) 39%, Neither agree nor disagree (2) 6%, Disagree (1) 3%, Strongly disagree (1) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g73.png)
The service/programme staff were good listeners
![The service/programme staff were good listeners - Strongly agree (19) 58%, Agree (10) 30%, Neither agree nor disagree (3) 9%, Disagree (0) 9%, Strongly disagree (1) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g74.png)
My expectations for what the service/programme would achieve were:
![My expectations for what the service/programme would achieve were - Not achieved (1) 3%, Partly achieved (11) 33%, Fully achieved (12) 36%, Exceeded (9) 27%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g75.png)
My goals for what the service/programme would achieve were:
![My goals for what the service/programme would achieve were - Not achieved (2) 6%, Partly achieved (12) 36%, Fully achieved (10) 30%, Exceeded (9) 27%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g76.png)
The information about autism was relevant
![The information about autism was relevant - Strongly agree (19) 58%, Agree (6) 18%, Neither agree nor disagree (4) 12%, Disagree (2) 6%, Strongly disagree (2) 6%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g77.png)
Overall, the service/programme was helpful
![Overall, the service/programme was helpful - Strongly agree (19) 58%, Agree (11) 33%, Not sure (2) 6%, Disagree (0) 0%, Strongly disagree (1) 3%](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-analysis/2022/03/national-autism-post-diagnostic-support-service-evaluation-pilot-programme/SCT02223138861_g78.png)
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback