
National Care Service - adult social care: equality evidence review

Overview of evidence related to equality in adult social care in Scotland. It is part of a collection of contextual evidence papers, setting out key sources of information about social care and related areas in Scotland.

7. Gender reassignment

The Equality Act 2010 defines the protected characteristic of gender reassignment in terms of a person who has, or intends to, transition from one sex to another[83]. This section brings together data and evidence on equality in social care and gender reassignment. Evidence is presented here in relation to the experiences of people who access social care, unpaid carers, and social care workers.

There is no precise estimate of the number of trans or non-binary people in Scotland. However, the most commonly used figure for trans people is 0.5% of the population, equivalent to almost 24,000 adults[84]. More generally, the experiences of trans and non-binary people have been largely absent in social care research to date[85].

7.1 People who access social care

There is no national data about gender reassignment and people who access social care. However, given the prevalence of social care needs in the population and across the life course, it is likely that some trans people will require social care support.

7.2 Unpaid carers

There is no national data about gender reassignment and unpaid carers. However, given the prevalence of unpaid care in the population and across the life course, it is likely that some trans people will provide unpaid care.

7.3 Social care workers

There is no national data about gender reassignment and social care workers. However, given that the social care sector is a major employer in Scotland, it is likely that some trans people will be employed in the sector.



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