National Care Service: co-design of the draft NCS charter of rights and responsibilities

The Charter of Rights and Responsibilities will set out people’s existing rights and responsibilities when accessing support through the National Care Service. It will also include information about how people can make a complaint, if their rights are not met by the National Care Service.

About the National Care Service Charter of Rights and Responsibilities

The National Care Service Bill, as introduced, sets out that the Charter will include as a minimum:

  • the rights and responsibilities of people accessing National Care Service support and those with an interest in their wellbeing such as a family member or carer and any other category of person the Scottish Ministers consider appropriate to include; and
  • information on processes which will provide recourse if Charter rights are not met

The National Care Service Bill provisions say that the Charter is not to:

  • create new rights,
  • impose any new responsibilities, or
  • change any existing rights or responsibilities.

We have worked to make sure the co-design process has been as inclusive as possible because we want the Charter to represent everyone who uses it. We have listened to the views of seldom heard groups as part of this.



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