National Care Service - complaints co-design: findings summary

This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.


This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress. An important part of the NCS will be a fair, effective and consistent approach to complaints and redress. We want to make it easier for people to make a complaint and help people understand what will happen as a result of their complaint.

It will help people who want to make a complaint about:

  • social care support
  • social work services
  • community health services

We have been carrying out research and speaking to stakeholders to understand current health and social care complaints processes. We are also co-designing a complaints service for the NCS with people with experience of accessing and providing social care support, social work and community health services. This report includes details of what we have learned, as well as the results of our co-design work around complaints and redress.



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