National Care Service - social care and caring experiences: evidence

Overview of recent evidence on experiences of social care and unpaid caring in Scotland. It is part of a collection of contextual evidence papers, setting out key sources of information about social care and related areas in Scotland.


1 Scottish Government (2022) Health and Care Experience Survey 2021/22: National Results

2 Scottish Government (2022) Health and Care Experience Survey 2021/22: National Results

3 Scottish Government (2022) Health and Care Experience Survey 2021/22 – Technical Report

4 Reporting at this level does not consider any additional variation with the constituent parts of ethnicity groups.

5 Sexual orientation categories in the HACE survey were: Heterosexual/Straight; Gay/Lesbian; Bisexual; and Other. In this analysis, the category LGBO includes all Gay/Lesbian, Bisexual, and Other responses.

6 The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is a relative measure of deprivation across small areas in Scotland.

7 Noting that people could choose more than one type of support, see Figure 6

8 The Scottish Parliament (2020) How has Covid-19 impacted on care and support at home in Scotland

9 Care Inspectorate (2020) Delivering care at home and housing support services during the COVID-19 pandemic

10 Carers UK (2021) State of Caring 2021. A snapshot of unpaid care in the UK



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