National Care Service: factsheet: Easy Read version

This easy read factsheet gives information about the Scottish Government's National Care Service (NCS). It explains the need for an NCS, the benefits of an NCS, and the plan for creating an NCS. It also has facts about Scotland's current social care landscape.

How we will organise the NCS

NCS Board

There will be a new NCS Board.

A board is a group of people who make decisions about an organisation. For example, decisions about the NCS.

The Board will make sure:

  • NCS services are consistent. Consistent means they are as good everywhere and for everyone across Scotland
  • NCS services are fair and based on rights
  • communities can get all the benefits of the changes

The NCS Board will include people:

  • from the Scottish Government
  • from local councils
  • from the NHS
  • who have experience of using or delivering services or unpaid care

We will co-design how board membership will work. We will also co-design details like the support people might need to take part.

Reformed integration authorities

We will reform local integration authorities.

Reform means change or improvement.

Integration authorities are the organisations that plan local community health, social work and social care support services. Under the NCS, we will call integration authorities NCS local boards.

Under the NCS, NCS local boards will still be responsible for planning local services.

But people with experience of using or delivering services will sit on NCS local boards. They will have voting rights to help make decisions. They will get support and training to do this.

The new NCS Board will give national oversight and support to the NCS local boards. This will help keep standards the same all over Scotland.



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