National Care Service: factsheet: Easy Read version

This easy read factsheet gives information about the Scottish Government's National Care Service (NCS). It explains the need for an NCS, the benefits of an NCS, and the plan for creating an NCS. It also has facts about Scotland's current social care landscape.

How we are co-designing the NCS

We are using co-design to develop how some parts of the NCS will work.

Things we are co-designing include:

  • a Charter document explaining people’s rights and helping them claim them
  • a way to help people access complaints processes
  • how people’s health and social care record will work.

We have heard from people who use services and their friends and family. We have also heard from workers, carers, and organisations who give care.

In the last year we have already heard from more than 1 thousand people from across Scotland. We are carrying on this work.



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